… that the house is big enough and makes all my furniture look very child battered indeed! All except for crud is there and i’m looking round this house in horror! Cleaning party on for Saturday – drinks and nibbles provided, bring marigolds… any takers? 😀
And on another note, i’ve had a very decent email conversation with the ebay seller and on the back of it i’m going to remove my posts about her auctions from here and i’m going to assume that she will be doing as she promises and not renew auctions that contain my patterns. I’m considering the matter closed on the assumption that no more of it will happen and wishing her all the best.
Ruth says
Glad the e bay thing got sorted and you have moved in O.K. Can’t come and clean – too far to get to – but I will have nibbles here and think of youlol.
HelenHaricot says
glad ebay thing sorted out.
alsoglad move so far OK.
its amazing how a new house makes you look at your furniture again!
Amanda says
Glad ebay is sorted. Congrats on move, moving always makes me go to Ikea!
Sarah says
Oh, I so remember moving out of Oakfield Street and looking round in horror at the edges of the room where it was so filthy, and the kitchen, aargh, it took me *days* to clean it! Um, sorry, I can’t make it on Saturday 😉
Roslyn says
Can’t make Saturday it’s Adam’s party. Next wednesday too late??
khadijah says
will see if i can get an hour off duty. can you mail me what time you will be there please?
i hate cleaning my own house, but someone else’s past home is fun!
Chris F says
Merry, I’m posting this here becuase I want to be sure you see it. I’m getting messages back from the email server (or some such) dealing with the merrily.me email that one of the large emails I sent you the other day is undelivered becuase you mail box is full (though it might be becuase the email is just too big). you might want to check as I would hate to think emails were bouncing or whatever.
site admin says
Okay Chris – will try to fix that.
K – I’ll find your number and ring you, mine has changed 😀 – Ros, too late, but you are a darling for offering 🙂
And… two things i never thoguht i’d say… i love my feather duster and Cillit Bang is fabulous!
Amanda says
Merry- you p.m you! 😉
SallyM says
Glad the move is going OK, sorry, cleaning is not in my volcabulary even if I could drive 😀 Good luck in getting unpacked and cleaned out.
HelenHaricot says
what is this cleaning?
i hope you have borrowed an ady machine!
chris F says
No she needs and Ady 🙂
PS SB thinks the duck and bauble should eb gone since xmas was along time ago.
site admin says
Actually, it’s all going fairly well here – not so dreadful as i thoghut at all – think we’ll manage without you all converging!
Roslyn says
See I’ve told you for years how much fun it can be!!
HelenHaricot says
glad you managed without me! itr really isn’t my strong poitn. Have you got flickr pictures of new place yet?
merry says
Annoyingly, i’ve lost the tiny bit of cable in my badly designed camera charging set up, so i can’t charge the battery 🙁
Ros – giggle… nah… only once every two years!
mum21angel says
Hope the cleaning went well. Would have come down to help gladly but I fear that Becca would have made more mess than we cleaned 🙄 so probably best that your post only turned up on my Sage today!
khadijah says
I couldn’t get child free and nearly turned up early afternoon *with them all*, but thought that might well be a very bad idea! If you want five extra at any point mail me.