I have no idea what this forum is, nor why it is in my PoP site stats, unless i haven’t read far enough andf i’m hated. I wonder if it is any of you?
However, it made me laugh. A lot. And that is good.
I have no idea what this forum is, nor why it is in my PoP site stats, unless i haven’t read far enough andf i’m hated. I wonder if it is any of you?
However, it made me laugh. A lot. And that is good.
Jax says
they’ve nicked your tinsel image. Which is quite funny in itself 🙂
Jax says
be even funnier if you were to replace it with an image that said something like: ppl who steal bandwidth.
Or is that just me?
site admin says
Have they? Which page?
site admin says
So they did. Ah well. I’d replace it with an ironic gag, which WOULD be finny, but i have this odd impression that forum must be inhabited by my brother.
DavidK says
This page:
The person who started the thread listed Tinsel as something she hates, and Googled for an image.
And yup, here it is on page 6 of Google Images:
Apologies if this causes any bandwidth issues, I know we’re quite large. I can remove it if you want.
Oh, and feel free to change the image to a ‘ppl who steal bandwidth’ thing… we’re not really bothered and usually laugh even more at things like that… we have a very good story on one of those too, let me see if I can find it for you… ah yes, here we are:
The hilarious part of that, was that we later discovered he hadn’t quite followed the instructions we gave him and he’d managed to replace all of the images on his own site 🙂
But anyway, we’re a forum, we have fun… but if you want the link to the image removed, just use the Contact Us form on the bottom of the forum page, and I will happily oblige 🙂
David K
HelenHaricot says
i wondered how they could whip your bandwidth! whcihc one is your brother then
Heather says
tastyzine kind of reminds me of someone…
merry says
I liked it, i’d only have done it to amuse 😉
No, no need to remove it, the tinsel picture is such a comically funny part of my past that any reminder of it is good!!!!!!
HelenHaricot says
ah that tinsel picture – i remeber, you needed another piece for your tree didn’t you!
Dimitra says
Oh I can’t believe I didn’t reply to this earlier. I might be the only regular reader of this blog who actually knows what Bowlie is: it started out as a forum for Belle & Sebastian fans and it grew bigger and bigger, which wasn’t necessarily linked to said band getting bigger and bigger, but I digress. I actually know (or “know”) a lot of the people on this thread.
Tastyzine is the person, who, well, runs this zine: http://www.tastyfanzine.org.uk/
I suddenly feel so useful!
site admin says
Well. There you go then! You have proved your worth, oh much beloved fly by reader 🙂 😉