My favourite bit of today was the solid 90 minutes that Fran sat on the sofa, reading to Maddy and Amelie from “Puzzle World” an Usborne compendium of stories, while they leant over her shoulders, taking it in turns to answer the questions in the book. It was lovely.
My second favourite bit of the day was Fran and Maddy reverently using new pouches of pencils and creating really lovely pictures of fairyland and rainbows. Both of them took ages over them and they were great.
My third favourite bit of the day was lying on my bed, surrounded by washing and underneath my two youngest, who both decided to come and play. We lay in a heap for ages, singing songs, tickling and being silly. Josie has always got a spare kiss and giggle for me and Amelie is easily my most empathic child; she can newver be fobbed off and she always knows if i’m too fragile to take silliness from her. She never fails to come up with the goods if it is really necessary.
My fourth favourite bit was listening to 2 old ladies in the doctors waiting room discussing how nice my children are.
My fifth favourite is about to happen; i’m off to play computer games with Max.
my sixth favourite was getting 12 pages of perfect maths handed to me by Fran and playing a mental maths test with her while she ate paella with me and Max and seeing her get all her 3x and / by 3 sums right. She learned those all herself.
Lots of lovely things. A good day to document 🙂
Fabulous, what a good day to be home educating.
That sounds lovely..very uplifting to hear:)