You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) |
You’re a self starter with a drive for success. You’d make a great entrepreneur. |
You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) |
You’re a self starter with a drive for success. You’d make a great entrepreneur. |
Hmmm. I got Art & D.P got Maths (no suprise there then!)
i got an engineer – hmm!
hmmm, I got the same as you Merry. I’m not quite in your league though! lol.
Hmmm, it had me down for Fine Arts! Aparently I’ll make a great artist/photographer or film maker.
I couldnt make up my mind so did alternative
So I got doctor and philosophy 😉
Anyway I am off for awhile so good luck with the move Merry x and love to the girls xx
Ph.D in philosophy….
Thanks, Merry. You know what for 😉
M.D. (Doctor of medicine)! Now there’s a thought, if only I could learn to go without sleep without turning into a ‘superbitch’, lol!
MBA also but I’d be soooo bored doing it!