Tomorrow the last bit of house moving stress, short of the actual MOVING *shudder*, will either resolve or come to a head. Let’s hope that this one bit of April gets to be simple, because so far it has been a rather complex and difficult month. I really hope May is better, because i’d prefer not to do April again for at least another 12 months. 🙄
So today feels like the start of something very new, which i have to make the best of and get going with. I’ve been awed by a lot of things this month, the friendships i’ve called on, the strength of my marriage and the astonishing commitment and love that binds us together, nevermind the strength of our immediate and wider family. It is something remarkable and i’m almost glad to have discovered it afresh. But um… well. I also like a simple life. (And no, no-one had an affair 😉 hahaha… you’d get points for achievement round here!)
The girls have done a remarkable job of getting on with stuff while we’ve been doing what we’ve been doing. Maddy has resumed her interest in Egypt and has been making stuff from her Egypt kits; bracelets, papyrus scrolls, necklaces and other bits and bobs; Fran has done lots of computing, lots of reading, some maths from her Singapore book that she flew through without any support (hurrah for forced breaks, they always work!) and quite a bit of “finding out”. Maddy draws a lot and amazed my parents by ‘inventing’ a “thing that sucks in stars” and drawing a blackhole. On questioning, she’s never heard of one or seen a picture of one but her picture is really like one! 😯 They’ve asked to do a space project when we move.
Amelie is better; her eczema was dreadful but we worked out it was infected and cured that and she is sleeping nights through. Maddy and Fran have parted night-time company and moved into separate beds – legs were finally getting too long to top and tail! So now we finally have all our beds occupied! Amelie has asked to learn to read and is writing and drawing with increasing control. She and Maddy have been making jewellery with scoubis (sp?) and plastic beads.
Josie still has horrid ears, a Dora fetish and has finally broken one molar through a gum. She has done her first solo visit to someones house and survived, though did apparently utter the phrase “Daddy gone away door” – she also does a good line in “I want that” and “Ammi hit me!” (which is normally not true, so she is learning fast!)
We’ve lost our copy of Danny shortly before the end, but have read a good few stories and even read the Tanglewood version of George and the Dragon yesterday. And i have 60 things on ebay too. Can’t believe someone bid on a Laurel and Hardy video.
The house is in boxes but i’m sure we’ll get unpacked again sometime 🙄 – we aren’t quite at the point where you find yourself filling 10 large boxes with random crud you don’t need but can’t chuck, but i daresay we’ll get there. Oh for Ros, Joyce, SIL and Sarah to descend and clean it. Right now i could do with some sort of army of portable clean freaks 🙂 , but i think i may have used up my quota of such favours for some time to come. nevermind i have my new Dustbuster….
Hannah, thanks for my leeks. I feel quite inspired to get going now, especially as I’ve just opened Poledragon’s Patented Parcelled Plot Planting Plan But um… maybe i’ll give it another week! Kris, you are a star you know 🙂
Went to the allotment today. Your leeks are in a bag at your front door, in case you hadn’t found them. Couldn’t see any shallots, were some onions that were growing but not ready to come up yet.
Speak to you soon. x
Is Peterborough daytrippy?? I’d come and help for a day if that helps.
Lovely post, Hope it all goes well, I do love moving but hate the stress, I would offer to help but I’d need to bring the tribe so it would’nt be any help.:) Sending ‘tidy’ vibes your way 😉
Hannah, i did, thank you 🙂
And Ros, that is just so lovely of you but i think it would be a huge trek (and i’d probably have to clean before you came! 😉 ) I’m incredibly touched by the offer though 🙂
i have some butternut squash seedlings- and then some! that can be donated for later crop
Wonder if I could come and clean? Dont know if its do-able but I quite fancy a day out.
hope things go as planned today. I know may is going to be a fantastic month. am a bit tied up this week but if I can help at all next week just let me know.