Because you really need to know my BIL and SIL to know how funny this is. And i love my BIL and SIL and i aspire to their standards, but it won’t happen this side of 2015 😆
However, to give you a clue, where we wear cheap from Tesco, they often wear designer, where we have scruffy kids in H&M’s, their kids are ironed, clean and prettily dressed, where we have clutter, they have clean lines and carefully designed and thought about rooms. Nothing is ever on the floor, unwashed, left for later or needing something doing to tidy up. There is NEVER dinner under the table. There are nice ornaments, gorgeous flowers and NO DUST. WHAT. SO. EVER. I doubt Joyce or Ros could do better. SIL makes Sarah look slovenly 😉 They are very stylish really, though absolutely lovely with it and they give lots of dinner parties with well thought out food and nicely decorated tables.
Which makes this present, delivered late from Great Gran, extremely funny indeed 😀
Lol! That’s the kind of thing my godmother gives us 😀 I think the yellow sheep biscuit barrel was the highlight 😉
Lol..great pressies!
We suffer from a similar syndrome re BILs and SILs, being definitively now the poor relations on both sides of the family. Their houses are spotless and they give us incredibly gorgeous gifts which actually I’m too out of it to fully appreciate. (Was given a handbag which I just slung in a dusty corner at a HE meeting, as you do, only to be told (by someone slightly more in the know) that this was a BIG mistake.
Ho hum. Can’t even think about meeting their high standards though. It would be simply impossible.
I love that. It is wonderfully naff.
must get a pair of those for the new house!
I can probably find you a pair Tammy, i had to work quite hard to get them out of this house at all. they kept hiding them in places! 😀