These are from some of my customers. I’ve loaded them on to my account and would appreciate votes for the winning design 🙂 If you don’t have a flickr account, votes in the comment box here would be great.
These are from some of my customers. I’ve loaded them on to my account and would appreciate votes for the winning design 🙂 If you don’t have a flickr account, votes in the comment box here would be great.
I really like the ‘funky’ chick at the end.
NO 5 I think. All very cute tho.
duh they change on your blog don’ t they? What a ummm I am. I like the chick tho in the egg.
I like the bunnies in eggs. Or the yellow cross with the string of spring flowers on it. But they are obviously adult designs as opposed to some of the others which are obviously children’s designs so 😕
The bunnies in eggs were done by a child actually, then her mum did the mini versions. I like them too.
I voted on flickr.
I like the bunny with the basket of eggs myself but the yellow chick holding an egg is a very close second!
100_0131 the yellow spiky dude
Daughter and I liked the dolphin 🙂 My daughter said there needed to be a pink one! (she likes pink and is only 4)