We eventually sorted out the radiator courtesy of a dashing young plumber who had definitely had a public school education and then turned his back on becoming a solicitor to break the hearts of the fee payers and became a plumber instead. I seriously considered locking up my daughters in the face of such dashing good looks and charm (to protect him, them or my own chances? 😉 )
So now we have no radiator but we do have heat. Thank goodness for that 🙂 it hailed here today inbetween bright sunshine and heavy rain, prompting conversation about the “April Showers” thing we always say. Children clearly thouht this was madness; judging by their astonishment when their bike race was “rain stopped play” today, they don’t see nearly enough rain.
Can’t think what has gone on today; a certain amount of playing and garden stuff, Maddy did some fantastic drawings for the last 2 weeks worth of Illustration Friday. I love that she always produced several pictures using all the interpretations of the word she can think of. I must start submitting them for her.
I’ve spent the day pruning their toys and packing up the room, we are likely to exchange tomorrow on the new house and it is all getting quite imminent feeling. My blooming chest is playing up again and i’m going to have to go to the docs i think as i just STILL seem to be coughing up gunge and i’m bored of it now. I’m paranoid they’ll be a flu epidemic and i’ll already be ill enough to just keel over instantly. Argh. How long can one bug last?
Must do something educational this week, really must.
glad the radiator is sorted (sort of). hope exchnage goes smoothly tomorrow. Is there a day when you aren’t paranoid about something ? :-;
Not that i can think of 😉
Hope it goes well tomorrow, can you share the number of the plumber ;0)
Good luck tomorrow Merry. I remember after our saga of moving I passed out with relief when we exchanged lol.
Absolutely not. Mine, all mine.
I think I’m holding the record of 4+ months atm. Not one you want to try to beat though 🙁 Actually, though I’m not normally hugely paranoid, I have been vaguely anxious that pandemic flu would arrive while I’m still so unwell.
fingers crossed for the exchange today. perhaps you could get mr. darcy to give a plumbing demo at mudpud!
Keeeping my fingers crossed for exchange too – hope yours is smoother than ours was! Also hoping your chest bug goes away too.
Yep, fingers crossed here for the exchange too 😀 Can’t wait to see piccies!
Good luck with the move Merry xxxx
Joyce, i’m resolutely NOT trying to beat you 🙂 . In fact, i feel a fraud even being annoyed about it really in the face of how ill you are. But i’ve not totally shaken the sore throat i had after Melrose and it really bothers me it keeps resting on my chest.
The sore throat is just so debilitating when it gets bad and i know if i don’t shake this off, i’ll suddenly find myself with another throat abcess, which i just couldn’t stand. It has such an awful affect on the kids too and they just aren’t really old enough to understand, except Fran really. The whole thing just turns into a nightmare of trying to carry on working to keep themoney coming in and not getting well because i just can’t stop long enough to fix it. Which i can appreciate you appreciate 🙂
Should have had my tonsils out when i only had 3 instead of being such a pathetic idiot about it 🙁
so when did you have 3 tonsils then?
Sorry, pathetic I know, but scrabbling after any light relief atm…
😉 don’t let us stop you 😉
Hope everything goes well for you with the house and hope you feel better soon.
I’ve lived in the same house for 17 years. I cant even imagine the stress it would be to move. Good luck to you. The new house sounds exciting even if it is a lot of work initially. hang in there.
Did you get my e-mail Merry?
She’s not paranoid..she’s got a sixth sense..it’s totally obvious;)
Chest thing: moving house is really stressing because you are on tenterhooks the whole time. It will disapear when you get the result you want. HOWEVER, for lords sake please keep your chest warm and covered – y’know – almost toasty, it is so important to keep the chest covered when it’s got stuff settled on it. The stuff is real Merry cos you are worrying about it. Hot baths, with the door closed, exfoliating to get the system really ready to tingle and express. Eucalyptus/lavender oil. Bed afterwards..sweating it out. I have a cure but I cannot print it (do the math). It has to be nightly tho, and after the hot bath. GARLIC! First line of defence..just have loads of it..it helps to get stuff up and disinfects the blood.
I know it sounds like a lot of hokey-pokey, but i do know what I am saying. You cannot ignore your body when it is saying something so loudly. I hope I am not too annoying doing a ‘Mrs Fix it’…just want you to feel better, is all. x
Oooh..and radiator man..sounds nice;)