You are intelligent and articulate. Quality and substance are important to you and you don’t suffer fools gladly. Practical and efficient, you are not very adventurous and like to be comfortable in your surroundings. Perhaps you could take up a new hobby to add some more colour to you life?
So funny. Tots Bots is what we used for Amelie and Josie and when i started the quiz i said “if i’m not tots bots, i’m not posting it!”
Good quiz 😀
Nic says
I was that too 🙂 But I only ever used pampers so all of the references were beyond me!
Alison says
I was The Latest WAHM Nappy!
“A true gadget freak, you see the latest product and want it now. Sleek and shiny, or bright and beautiful, you know all the current trends and are always seeking new thrills and bargains. An impulsive shopper, you probably collect handbags or shoes or even nappies. Ever thought of recycling all that stuff you don’t need? ”
Soudns more like Nic though 😉 You really missed a retail therapy trick just going for Pampers Nic!
Amanda says
I got terry nappy which I’m using for Squeeker, Used Kooshies for the big 3.
HelenHaricot says
I was a terry square – probably one of the only types of nappy i haven’t tried.
my name is helen, i am a nappaholic!!! – though, to be fiar, only with SB, BB gets them now!
Sarah says
rofl, great quiz. I got the same as Merry. Helen, can’t believe you haven’t used terry squares!!!! I think I finished with nappies before all the really trendy ones came out, which was rather annoying …
merry says
Girn, no Alison, not sure that is totally you, though you do always seem to have very snazzy wraps!
HelenHaricot says
no. sandy’s are my long term favourite for their fantastic longevity. also love totsbots [though probs with the manufacturing and customer service], saisies – which were fab and kissaluvs our core collection. also like the new fuzzibuns.
you have looked at my nappy pages sarah?
Sarah says
I think it’s because I knew you had nappy pages that I was shocked you’d never used terries!!
Amanda says
Can I but in here? I’m using Terry Squares, can anyone recomend any good wraps please? (Sorry Merry!)
site admin says
Motherease – they are fab!
mum21angel says
ROFL at being a MEOS! Amanda, any wrap designed to go over a fitted nappy will go nicely over a terry square or you can fold them into pads and slip them into stuff-able wraps or ones designed for pre-folds. Very versatile 😉
HelenHaricot says
motherease trhough and through!
Amanda says
Thamkyou!! (sorry for being cheeky) 😉
Jan says
I was a recyled fabric nappy, though irl I’m a terry squares mum. (and I like Kushies wraps)The recycled ones look pretty funky, though mostly rather girly, sadly – they even had one in the same fabric as our bedroom curtains.
annie (puddlepants) says
Jan, if you ever want to get rid of the curtains you know where I am, lol.