Ouch. I think my tolerance levels deserted me rather today 😕 I’ve managed to get well and truly narked, and embarrassingly sarcastic, with someone being pissy on eo because their messages didn’t get released immediately. I really didn’t do well and June and Jacqui will doubtless shoot me. Ho hum.
And then i lost my temper with an old lady. She used to live 3 doors away, long before we ever lived here and arrived to visit the other old lady 2 doors away, today. Now we live almost opposite a nasty junction and we’ve recently had double yellow lines painted with good cause. There have been several bad accidents here since we’ve lived here. I was outside and pointed out the lines and said that they did come and check now too. “Oh it doesn’t matter,” she said. “I’ve got a blue disabled badge. Besides, i’m not here long.”
4 hours later i arrived back, dodged around her car against the flow of traffic to get in my drive and went and knocked on old lady number 2’s door. I made my point, politely, that her car was an obstruction and dangerous. “Well, i’m disabled” she said (she walks perfectly well) “where else can i park.” “Hmmm… how about this nice free drive your friend has, or 20 yards down the road where it is double yellow lines?”
She was really rude and dismissive and shut the door in my face, having said she didn’t live here so my issues with her parking were not her problem.
I know you can park on double yellows if you have a blue badge, but surely you are expected to still park safely and use better parking if it is available? I think it stinks; what a bloody horrid attitude, no one elses safety or convenience matters if i have a blue badge. Horrid woman.
Oh well.
Maddy has spent the day making museums, doing sums and being industrious, Fran did touch typing, Amelie and Josie played beautifully and looked at books, Fran read books to them.
We all got our hair cut.
We all went out to Ferry Meadows and got blown away with Tammy and Sam, but it was fun and warm enough to be out in, which helped!
I joined Freecycle and got rid of our garden toys.
Maddy and Fran had Rainbows/Brownies and Fran went bowling with them.
I posted MORE parcels, but am now up to date 🙂 :cheer:
Maddy has created a birdwatching kit for herslef and wants to learn about birds and animals of the world. So i’m gonig to support her in that 🙂
I’m zonked, had bad dreams all night that i woke up believing and need to go and collapse on the sofa. Tomorrow my brother is visiting and i can’t wait 🙂
I didn’t even think you were that sarcastic on the eo list! Oh well. Here’s to a better day tomorrow. In fact, today sounded good despite your touchiness so I wouldn’t worry if I were you!
Giggle, you didn’t see the offlist 😉
ooh, Freecycle and parcels – thanks for the reminder!
Hee hee Merry. Sounds like my cyber run in during the week. Must be in the air. I am not normally like that either.
Ah yes, but she was walking in a reasonably spritely fashion really. Certainly didn’t have to wait long for her to open the door!
Oh well – we all have days like that – some of us even manage to turn them into our dominant character traits 😉
Regarding blue badge – actually it does state that the privalege of being able to use double yellows only applies when it does not present a hazard or inconvenience to other road users.
And being disabled and being able to walk – my Dh is disabled and can wal although it’s terribly painful. Need I remind you I’ve ranted about this somewhere on my blog 😉
Anyway WAH missed out on garden toys 🙁
Yeah but the woman on the EO list was uneccessarily snotty about her messages not appearing as well I thought. Re the walking thing, someone may well be able to walk quite well for certain distance but then find it harder to walk to far – my dad for instance, though sinc ehe got his ‘bionic leg’ it’s better 🙂
Not that I think that excuses the behaviour of the lady in question – as you say it’s not far from your house to the end of the double yellows. – Not supposed to park on DY though for more thna 3 hours.
Re birdwatching – I made some bird ID cards a while back for most of the common birds. There is a pdf of it here:
Or rather:
Chris, you star 🙂
I must admit to being rather puzzled.
The double yellow lines are put there because it is dangerous to park there.
How come it is not dangerous for people with blue badges (or police markings) to park on them?
Well quite.
If you need to get to somewhere that is yellow lined, you are disabled and there are no other options, well fair enough. We should all be able to compromise.
If there is a better, closer place to park then park in it. Stupid woman!
One car on stretch of road with a double yellow line one car may not be a problem, but say a row of 20 might be
PS – a pleasure Merry 🙂
You probably know about this site already but just in case you don’t. We joined the rspb a couple of years ago and got magazines for the kids, free entry to nature reserves and a bird feeder for the garden
Yep, and it’s good value for families with more than two children! (£13 for one child, £22 for all the children 🙂 ) Though I just looked at the website you can download a pdf joining form and it only has space for 3 children – cue excessive eye-rolling. *And* it says for children aged 7-19, lol, but that’s nonsense – Buttercup was only just or not quite 2 when my lot joined.
(((merry))) and remind me to never piss you off 😀
Ah Dotty, but i have finally got a links page ready, so i’ll be adding you to BM this week!