The big girls have a musical theatre week next week, which is going to be a challenge as i’ll have to entertain the smalls without their assistance (gulp!) – the musical is The Little Mermaid and i wanted to get them it on dvd so they’d know the songs a bit. Searched the shops today but couldn’t find one and i’m not over-anxious to increase our Disney collection anyway. Does anyone have a copy they would consider posting to us for a lend? I’d be awfully grateful 🙂 I’m deeply dubious of the ones on ebay and i don’t know if the new dvd player i ran out and bought on Saturday night so i could watch HP4 is multi-region anyway. Speaking of HP4 – why did Dumbledore keep breaking out in random snippets of irish accent? He appeared to have had quite a personality change since the last one too! Otherwise, i liked it and i laughed at the occasional shots of Harry and Ron with their tops off to titilate the young girls! 🙂
Today has been quite acceptable, although it is very wet and rainy here. Warm though, the temps have been up in double figures since Friday, which is nice 🙂
We started off by getting out all the jigsaws in the house and the big girls made them all, sat up at the new table. It is lovely to have some decent table space, out of reach of Josie the Destroyer. Josie is at “that stage” and in particular, slightly getting on her sisters nerves by walloping them over the head with things 🙄 Still, she makes me laugh because she persistantly calls “Mummy….?” in an imperious get querying way, convincing enough for me to say “Yes?” expecting something of sense to come somewhere and then she realises she can’t talk, a look of consternation crosses her face and she hedges with some gibberish. It is very funny 😆
Once we’d worked out which jigsaws were incomplete and binned them, done some handwriting and spelling, talked about a variety of interesting things which now completely escape me but i know i felt “proper HE mum” when we were talking, it was lunch time. Which took forever as Amelie is currently on some form of hunger/workrate strike. I think she is a bit hung up on milk products and it worries her; she is suffering terribly this week as we accidentally gave her super noodles which had milk in them 🙁 She writhed and scratched all night last night, at one point sobbing in her sleep about it. She panics over everything i offer and it is hardly helping that we keep messing it up and giving her things which cause the reaction. BAD mummy and daddy. Wah.
After that everyone Zoombini’d, Rainbow Rock’d and Studydog’d for a while and Amelie and i had a long conversation about why she came from my tummy not my bottom and why would she have died if she had come out of my bottom? So we did a demo, using hand, fist and a length of cable, talked about umbilical cords and so on and then she said “my babies are going to come out of my tummy so i don’t make them die.” Hm. Excellent, thanks for the guilt there, dear! 🙄 She is asking so many questions atm, though she is mainly pre-occupied with death. I thought “if you die are you dead forever or do you come back” showed some depth of thought though. Maddy piped up with “a star comes down and takes you up to live with God” which is apparently the after life courtesy of HCA and The Little Match Girl. Oh well.
Oh dear, must do a project, this all feels a bit dull atm. Still, after that we had a family trip to tescos, bought slippers for all and sundry and Amelie and Josie managed to con the new Dora dvd out of me, Amelie with winsome pleading and Josie by shouting “DOR-WA!” every time we went past it! Still, Dora dvd’s are good value in this house and they sat enraptured to Dora’s Gerry Springer stylee kitcsh musical pirate adventure! Finished with gym and more parcels and now i really must finish off the billion things i need to do for BM.
Sarah says
We have the little mermaid on video if that’s any good?
Chris (the portico) says
I think I have it errrr electronically somewhere. I could burn it and post it if you like but you’d have to watch it on a PC, or chipped xbox, or DIVX capable DVD player!!!!
Nic says
Scarlett was asking if you came back to life again after you died the other day. She was fairly adamant that you DO and then I realised she’d probably only really heard talk about death when I was telling Davies about Jesus at Easter on Shrove Tuesday.
In our house when you’re dead, you’re dead so it’s maybe a harder concept to grasp than drifting off somewhere with fairies, clouds and so on. My childhood image of ‘Heaven’ was based largely on the chocolate factory from Willy Wonka! 😀
Sarah2 says
Merry, I know this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your post (sooorrry!) but I sent you an email (via ebay) coz i need your addy to send payment for one of your items that I won! 🙂 Can you check your email and get back to me as it’s sat here waiting to be posted 😀 thanks!
Roslyn says
Buzz is obsessed with death atm 🙂 We had a chance to see some ashes the other day from a friends dead dog, it was very interesting and added to his forte! Both the girls went through this phase big time. Pea really gets off on telling people she was born dead! Makes me feel great 🙂
We did a puzzle cull just after Christmas, we ended up throwing most of them!
Joanna says
We have the imperious but querying (v. good description!) “Mummy …?” here too. And she always follows up my response with the mystery “Ar-war-wat!”
Amanda says
I think we’ve got the little mermaid on DVD. Bigger 2 have now gone through the death stage and Flapper is still asking about it.
merry says
Sarah, on video will be great if you don’t mind posting it otherwise i’ll ask Amanda for a borrow of the dvd and give it back when i see her after Easter. Chris, thanks but i don’t think i am compatible with any of those options! Only my laptop plays dvds, which means i have to be in the room to babysit it, something i’d rather avoid! But thanks anyway 😀
Ros, i used to tell people i was born dead too – ho hum!
Sarah – will email – sorry 🙂
Nic – i go more for the “you’re dead” theory, but seem to have been over-ridden by the evening stories they listen to. Heaven aka chocolate forever sounds good though!
Alison says
Joanna – “Ar-war-wat” = I want that?
merry says
Oh Alison, you professional you! 😉
Josie often fills with some backwards pointing and “Ammi, Ammi, Ammi!” which i think is early onset telltale abilities!
Amanda says
Merry, I’ve found the DVD, its N-thingy (not PAL) if you want it I can post to you.
merry says
Yes please Amanda!
I dunno, bottom… that just means the bit you sit on generally doesn’t it? Not biologically one thing or the other. We’ve done the proper biological explanation but she is only 3, so i think bottom is a fair description. Short of actually demonstrating, which i don’t feel much inclination to do, i can’t be arsed to make too much distinction – she won’t get to 18 and think babies come out with poo!
Lol at L though, not sure that is much better biologically!!!!
I tend to say that dead is dead but that no one knows what happens after. I don’t make up the fairytale bits, they just like Hans Christian Anderson! I do generally refute such malarky 🙂
Allie says
We have always had a simple ‘dead means dead’ here and they are quite clear about it now.
BTW I really flinched at the being born ‘out of your bottom’! Now, speaking as someone who had a rotational forceps delivery there may not have been much in it – but I’m pretty sure they didn’t pull Leo out of there! Mind you, perhaps the word bottom makes for easier supermarket conversations than L’s announcements about ‘when they pulled me out of your fanny with salad servers’…