Woke up this morning to the sounds of Max and the children dismantling our bookshelves. We’ve had these particular shelves for all of our house owning life, donated by my aunt who had them in her house from when i was 5. Well, today they went 🙂 They’ve done very well but they could no longer take the strain! So all our books are neatly stashed in Tesco crates and Max is browsing ebay for new shelves, while i make panic-stricken remarks about waiting till we’ve moved so i know we have enough money. Now he’s looking at engine :roll:, me having exclaimed long and loud about the long list on MG Midgets on my watch list :wall: Granted his impulse buys are normally impecable, but i’ve been there before with old cars. They aren’t value for money! (And no amount of claiming that not having to pay road tax constitutes a saving will do :)) )
One long tip run later, we started moving the new table and chairs in (£100 absolutely gorgeous, can’t believe how nice and solid it is 🙂 ) only to discover that it wouldn’t go into the dining room by half an inch or so. For a month or so, it was hardly worth taking it apart, so we’ve spent the afternoon bunging out all the stuff from down the side of our living room, dusting (a lot) and moving things about so most of the toys and pooters are in the dining room and we now have living room and dining room combined. Oh well, it isn’t for long. It’ll probably make boxing stuff up easier anyway, as we’ve got a room to pile boxes in now.
During all this the kids helped, used stencils, spent ages working together designing table mats for us all (Maddy wrote out names, Fran decorated with considerable effort to make them look good, so i was impressed 🙂 ) They worked for ages on that. I also pulled out a load of stashed magasines and they looked at those, lots of co-operative Zoombinis got done and well, it was nice. Maddy, Fran and i had a quick trip out too but mainly we just worked on the house.
My SIL and BIL visit in a couple of weeks which will be a good opportunity make sure the house is clean and tidy for (they are VERY tidy people!) and the more packing done the better. Must ebay some more stuff; tonights auctions look like they are going well, so hurrah for less clutter and more cash. Deeply pleased too to find Fun Blox on BM are at the top of google so i’m selling a good few that way; have started on tentative new stock enquiries today. Baby steps are still exciting ones 🙂
yeah for organic search results!
Wow you are organised if you are not moving for a month or so. You are about where I am usually at 2 days prior to the removal van turning up!!
Can I ask if the Fun blocs are like goemags?
No, not at all – but they are rather cool 🙂
all sounds very exciting, the website and the house stuff 🙂
well, i started the bidding on the beads, but didn’t imagine they would stay that price for long!
I’ve looked into bookcases, and ebay is dreadful. I think at the mo, tescos are the best bet [kid you not!]
great on your decluttering.
De-cluttering is good! We always start decluttering/packing a few weeks in advance of moving.
We did actualyl start on somwe of ours a few months before moving – stuff in the shed/garage etc.
link text woman!
Ooops – oh yeah 🙂
We may have some Ikea storage stuff if you are desperate Merry, will get Tim to look what we have stashed! Not the best looking stuff in the world but may tide you over til EBay turns up the goods.
Well done for the sorting stuff out, seems to be a lot of it going on just now!