Isn’t it addictive to be able to see how many watchers you’ve got?
Anyway, tolerably please to have made £26 from 10 books tonight, especially since most of the decent stuff sells tomorrow night.
Today has been mostly very pleasant; Maddy has burned through a heap of her handwriting book, Fran has played Zoombinis, we all went out to the park after i had parcelled and Max had been for a haircut. I’m selling a fair few Fun Blox and for every boxful i sell, i put £70 to the moving fund, so it is making me feel meaningful 🙂 I do love those blox, the girls have played with them again today. I’ve also managed to upgrade all the thumbnails of bead colours on BM so they look more professional, so i am pleased with myself for that.
Late this afternoon Max and Fran went off to pick up a table and chairs that Max impulse bought on ebay last night and this evening i have had an early Mothers Day of flowers, 3 beanies (aw!) the HP4 film and a lovely tea. Now the girls are up illustrating their new fairies 🙂
Tomorrow, we pack 🙄 :wall:
aaargh for packing – do you want to come and live here for a while??? rofl!
you must be desperate then!!!!!!
I do like your pots with hama beads in! [and mistakenly looked at your ebaying…]
Good luck with the packing.I wouldn’t know where to start in my house 😀
I hope you got our in that nice warm sun today, given the complaints a boutthe cold. It really was very nice 🙂
We went south yesterday Chris, and it rained all day, lol!
Much warmer today though – didnt even do my coat up or put my gloves on to watch E at hockey 🙂
Good luck with the packing, I like packing but hate unpacking 😉 I need smilies!
Aaaah! it’s you 😀 I’ve been keeping an eye on those Montessori maths beads on ebay for a couple of days hee-hee! We’ve got heavily into Montessori, Rosie loves it.
I’m an ebay addict. I never make any money though, no matter what i make on items sold, I alwasy seem to spend more!