This morning i read HEMUK, sighed audibly at how nice their day sounded, looked up and saw blue sky and sun and galvanised myself to get everyone out. So off we went to Tesco’s, where we failed to buy suitable Toymaker serviettes, but did have a lot of fun running down the cycle path and acting out The Wizard of Oz, singing “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” at the tops of our voices. Enjoyed that 🙂
In Tesco we spent quite a lot of time admiring all manner of daft stuff and choosing new workbooks, which met with disproportionate glee from the children. 😆 Fran then chose to spend this weeks pocket money on a book of a deeply girly and sparkly nature; can’t recall what. I showed her some of the Jacqueline Wilson ones but she decided there were too many words. okay 😉
While i remember, i got a good laugh at Amelie yesterday when she said “Look Mummy, i’m ballet dancing on my Tescos” – eventually realised she meant tiptoes! 😆
Maddy had requested “stone age lunch” for lunch, so we bought organic bread and seedy jam and came home to eat that in the garden. And then we gathered up the kite and headed off to Ferry Meadows, the open area put aside for the people of Pboro to walk in and which we will shortly live very close to, and headed off.
Was lovely, though my photos are rubbish; oh for the camera-wielding abilities of PapaPricey. We had a ball though and everyone learned to fly a kite; everyone made there own decisions on which way up it flew best, air pockets down, air pockets up. Everyone discovered that the tricky bit is getting it up (without garotting a sister in the process) but that the wind blows just that bit harder the higher it flies. Everyone ran, jumped and laughed and i blew away ALL my cobwebs.
To Poddle: I poddle, you poddle, she very definitely poddles. Not sure Josie has had an opportunity to walk outside for any length of time, she adored it.
And in the end, we all felt a bit like this.
Went off to feed the ducks, a euphemism for hurried throw bread at marauding Canada Geese before they eat Josie, played on the swings and climbing frames and met another Amelie and saw someone else flying the same kite as us. Then we came back and hurried Maddy off to Rainbows, then Fran off to Brownies.
I’ve laughed this evening at Maddy coming home looking sneaky, with something up her coat and saying “We didn’t do anything today at Rainbows, just games…” Amelie piped up “What’s that up your coat Maddy?” “SHHHHHH! It’s a secret Mothers Day card! Ooops….”
And then Amelie coming running down with a bundle of tissue paper in her hand sobbing “Your wrapping paper on your Mothers Day present is torn – now you can see in – LOOK!!!!”
Ah bless.
We also went to look at the new house again, as it was sunny and we’ve not been in the sun so far, only on gloomy, rainy days. It felt nice; light and airy and cheerful. I keep having to go back to get my head round it!
Finished off by enlarging on Democracy with Fran, having covered the Commonwealth in the car home and touching on Communism courtesy of Jeeves and Wooster (!) Wondered again whether it says more about me or politics that when a 7 year old asks me what is the difference between the political parties, all i can think of is “one’s red, one is blue and one is yellow.” 😕
After been chased by rabid sheltland ponies the other week, i think we are hardened to it. Only Josie screamed this time!
Ah, now that sounds like a good day 🙂
Violet was in the water yesterday following a lone swan, trying to make it eat out of her hand – crazy girl.
Crazy indeed! They are scary things, swans!
What a lovely day. i wish mine had been half as exciting. You must be brave to face feeding the ducks though. I am terrified of the swans and ducks in our local park. They are so agressive. I am just waiting for them to swllow one of the kids hands!