Oh i so want this winter to be over. How can it have been this cold for this long? It hit 4 degrees in about October and it hasn’t improved at ALL. It’s nearly April FFS. 2 years ago we all got sunburned at Silverstone in early April. 🙄 And as i commented somewhere else, i made some remark to Fran about how i thought the Ice Age was coming again and she replied that there was indeed a new one about to come out and we had the old one on DVD. 😕 Montessori would NOT have approved 🙄
Having decided to make sure we gave the children decent quality time this weekend, we’ve done reasonably well, aside from a few tip runs and a trip to a financial planner. I had a lovely session yesterday with Amelie, curled up on a chair reading stories and having a tickle fight, we’ve loafed playing games on the sofa and watching rugby 🙄 Maddy and Fran constructed a fabulous treasure hunt as a welcome home for Max, including some superb curly writing from Maddy (she is just so cool that child!) so that was fun. I got a couple of decent lie-ins, which i sorely needed, the girls have continued to consume The Rescuers as if it is the best film in the world ever.
Fran has almost finished Fantastic Mr Fox but is slightly side-tracked by her GameBoy Aladdin game which she loves but hampers her slightly by being an uninitentionally bought copy from ebay which doesn’t save. Really annoyed me as i should have known better than to believe it was real but got caught out. She loves it, so i might have to look for a real version for her to save her persistantly replaying earlier levels. They’ve bought into packing to move and getting rid of some stuff so they’ve started to go through their room with a view to dumping bits and bobs they no longer need. I’m summoning up the courage to start clearing out some of the baby things i won’t need again. Had a slightly odd moment earlier over some baby Lego which i decided not to throw as i can keep it till i have grandchildren. (ARGH.) Luckily we did a good chuck out before Christmas so the worst is probably done, but i’ve got several bags and boxes full fo stuff to put on ebay, so i’ve made a start. If i can summon the effort tonight, i’ve got a stack of resource type things to put up there; i’m determined to downsize when we move so we feel less cluttered. I’ve been through all the books today and pruned out battered or unbearably annoying books and just kept a handful of the nicest baby ones for Josie. I hate chucking out/selling books but really, we don’t need 6 Atlases and 8 books on the Solar system, it’s just silly.
Part of todays prnue involved rationalising my shelf full of workbook type things, which menat al lthe kids fell on ones they hadn’t seen for a while 😆 So Fran ended up doing a page on Phonemes (WTF?) with Max and impressing him, Maddy did pages of sums and got truly annoyed with me when i said to wait to do a page till i explained it. She had of course already worked it out and looked suitably smug when she did it without help. I haven’t really got the measure of her abilities there at all. Amelie asked for some too and did a bit of a JP book and some sums, before moving on to doing some sticking with some shapes i bought as part of the FIRST EVER MP craft kit! (As in in about 2000!) ROFL. I’ve put a load of stuff in a box to donate to a friend so we can start fresh at some point. It all feels old and tired.
Just took the big two swimming but had to come home as Fran felt ill and started to shiver. However, they both did really well. Good-oh 🙂
Sarah says
Spring was here today, maybe it’ll get to you tomorrow?
We’re listing stuff on ebay tonight too, can’t quite bring myself to get rid of home eddy things yet though 😉
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend 🙂
Ruth says
and what is wrong with keeping toys for grandchildren to play with? I have lol. Sounds like good forward planning to me. I have also moaned about the weather on my blog before I saw yours.
Well done to Maddy.
Alison says
Nah, it didn’t get cold until November (because I know that Halloween weekend we were on Brighton pier with no coats on!), we had an unseasonably mild autumn. And then an abrupt change to this. Hopefully there’ll be an equally abrupt change any day now to full-on spring!
Is Fran ok?
merry says
Miserable 🙁 But reading The Twits now so thank heavens for reading 🙂 Very hot and white though and complaining of earache. She gave me a bit of a fright actually, i just couldn’t get her to warm up at the pool.
How difficult is that Lottie book, Alison? Would Fran manage it do you think?
linzi says
Hi Merry,Maya and I came down with a sore throat and earache after we saw you on Thursday.Sorry if Fran picked it up here.Also I have got Amelie’s barbie.will bring it Friday..Linzi
chris F says
Yeah, I rember last year thinking that the leaves were never going to fall of the tree’s. I don’t think it’s been a particualry cold winter really. I think it might have been a bit of colder early spring though, I did think the other day, oh for somenice warm ones.
As for Aprils, well I can remeber one year, breaking out the shorts in some lovely warm early April weather, but mid late April I was Freesing on a moutain bike in the Dales becuase I hadn’t gione prepared for a blizzrad….
merry says
Ah, that might well be it then. No worries, the play was worth it 🙂
Chris – it bloody has been a colder winter than normal – just because you’ve lived up north for endless years…. we normally have one blast of snow here mid feb and that is it… there has been ENDLESS coldness for months.
Alison says
Yeah Chris, it has been cold! There have been a few occasions when I’ve got my mum to do some shopping or run an errand for me this winter as it’s been so cold I haven’t wanted to go out, lol. And I’m not really a wimp 🙂
chris F says
Sorry, not convinced 🙂
I’m not saying it hasn’t been cold – it is winter after all, nor that there might have been colder spells (there have also been some rather nice days too though since xmas), but sorry my perception is that it hasn’t been a particualry cold winter. Though I do agree that it does now seem to be dragging on a bit.
Tedn to bear this out I think, temps ahve been about average, though s, SE SW have been the coldest, though only just slipping below average.
merry says
Chris… you clearly have gone mad 😆
chris F says
Yep 🙂 Best way to be.
chris F says
I did hear Michael fish on the Radio thsi morning saying basicaly the same thing. He did point out that we ahve had some mild winters recently which has probably coloured peoples perceptions of what is normal.
Alison says
Maybe the recent mild winters are what’s done it. Here, there have been three nice days since Christmas. They have stuck in my mind 😉 Maybe it’s been feeling colder because it hasn’t been so wet as well?
chris F says
Yeah, I think the dryness probably does at to the effect. I do agree though that the cold does seem to ahev dragged on a bit somewhat in March.
Ah well, clocks go back, soon, summers is coming.