Daddy has landed, he has arrived home and he has proved once again that motherhood is being the fifth female to kiss one’s husband when he gets back after 3 days in France.
I’ve forgiven him for making me ring a hotel, speak in French and then still be in the bar anyway. He brought wine and chocolate home.
It has been a very hard few days, harder than being away without him, nearly as hard as camping. The busy business few days and all the house buying stuff just complicated it more. I’ve not been to bed through work before 2am for 3 nights and have counted my blessings the last few nights that lack of inclination to be academic and focused at a critical moment means i am never likely to have a job where i am likely to be hauled out of bed shortly after falling asleep because someone is unexpectedly having triplets backwards. I suppose i could do it (well, obviously i couldn’t do anything useful, lacking the requisite skills but i probably could get up out of bed and function despite working for too long and not sleeping enough) but i’m bloody glad i don’t have to. Hats off to Helen 😆
Please, Cosmic Supply Company, don’t make me a single mother of 4, anytime soon. Please.
Thankfully we were rescued by social time yesterday with Hannah and Linzi, which the girls loved and i found as pleasant, thought-provoking and challenging as ever. And today we spent time with Tammy, Sam and Aisha and Zainab and their kids, which rounds out my influences for the week nicely.
Showed Tammy the house, (still fighting waves of panic/second thoughts there… gulp) and then Kate saw us driving there so came to look too. And she’s know me for forever and told me in no uncertain terms that we’ll be just fine there.
And now Max is home with dinner and i’m going to go and meekly submit to his culinary ministrations 😉
glad max is home safely. It is a fantastic house-can’t wait to come and play when you guys are all settled in.
Lol, have to say my lot don’t get a look in when we’ve been away from C!
I know what you mean. Hannah practically knocked me over in her stampede for first kiss, and it took about 10 mins of them smooching before I even got a hello. Sigh.
Oh good, glad it isn’t just me!
He missed his check in by 5 mnutes and so was 4 hours late; i thoght there was going to be a mutiny here when i told them; thank goodness he managed to get back the same day. Not sure i could have stood any longer!
well, I guess I a only 3rd in pecking order!!