You see SaveParliament has done what i humbly feel the article Jax linked to completely failed to do. It says it in words of one syllable, slowly and without irritating hyperbole.
And it is scary.
And even i think i had better read it 🙁
You see SaveParliament has done what i humbly feel the article Jax linked to completely failed to do. It says it in words of one syllable, slowly and without irritating hyperbole.
And it is scary.
And even i think i had better read it 🙁
Thats scary.
I’m sorry – I thought I’d managed to explain it to you. 🙁
Yes,m you did. But i wanted to see it expained well SOMEWHERE if you see what i mean.
i understood it but it’s reassuring to see that it is also being put across elsewhere in simple terms, rather than high brow columns. Plus there “how to do something” stuff is very user friendly.
I’m ranting at your journalist, not you 😉
tis scary, more so as it’s pointed out how it resembles a pre-war Germany law. One of the many laws that were passed/altered at that time was making home educating pretty much illegal, no one has bothered repealing that one yet either.
but i did the write to your mp thing again – ido like doing that. hopefully more succesful than the breastfeeding in public!
I wrote to my mp again.
And weirdly today I got a response to some email I sent as part of the making poverty history campaign.
But after Tim’s latest effort, I’m not sure how much sense I’m going to get out of her in future.
But how much sense have you got out of her in the past?