Last night Max and i said we felt like generally things were very positive this year so far; money, getting better at eating healthily, planning for the future. Everything seems to be improving EXCEPT our general feelings about the kids. We aren’t doing well for them and they are being messy, grumpy and ungrateful and to be honest, it just feels like that bit of life has pulled out of balance. So it needs to be rectified.
Today was imperfect as i had lots of calls to make still but now we should get back on an even keel as we’ve had good news about a house we wanted and should be able to move into more space quite soon. So i guess the next few weeks should be stressful but positive.
Started today by letting them have a film on a video i got given a few weeks ago and once that was over everyone did much sensible stuff than the last few days. They watch quite a bit of CBBC or Class TV from choice now, which is a real improvement but today it went off and they busied themselves with a variety of small projects; Maddy made a puppet spider, Amelie and Josie played nicely, Fran did some computing. It wasn’t a perfect morning but they did seem more motivated. This afternoon everyone hama-ed; Fran finally finished her frog footman and Maddy counted and did a rose and a prince all on her own. Amelie stole the show by patiently sitting and creating her very own Snow White on the princess board. It was fab and she was so careful and patient. Then of course she carried it off to show me and dropped it. She was heart-broken but between us we reconstructed it and bonded a bit too
Tomorrow i am aiming to do some art or something; we need a change.
What’s a princess board?
Hmmm, I can relate to the kid thing, I feel that I’m not doing enough with ours atm. But tbh it always sounds that you do a lot with yours.
A princess shaped Hamabead board
But there has been a a fair bit of uncertainty in the household Merry, with thoughts of moving to Devon, jobs etc. I’m sure all that affects the kids. Hopwe the house move progresses smoothly. It’s will surely be good to be in your own house, and to feel settled for the next few years.
Just saw your comment on my blog, there’s a link on my H.E blog to ‘other blog’ (now a different blog because I messed up the original other blog! – hangs head in shame)
We have a lot of that ‘move the board and destroy the hours worth of hard work’ going on here. Unfortunately I don’t re-construct very often because I am usually trying to wrestle the hama beeds from the baby’s clenched fist and end up just sweeping away.
Maybe you can suggest to the Hama people that what’s really needed is some kind of cover that will keep half projects intact so that I don’t have to ball at my dh when he knocks the 5th project off the top of the microwave! I’d be a buyer!
I think you are right!
re: Hama bead cover…inspired! And put me down for every shape and size too!
House sounds exciting – whereabouts did you go for in the end? I think changes like moving really throw things out, at least I hope that’s what it is cos it’s going on big time here!