She loves these and is ever so good at them; i’ve really enjoyed watching her experiment over the last few days. Every time i get them out to play and experiment myself, i immediately get set upon by all the girls and hounded off. 😆
Today has been tough really; we’re cabin-feverish, i’m trying to do too much and have lots to try and get sorted ready for a bit of a life change. They’ve been patient-ish but it’s been a tough couple of days.
That aside, we had Tammy and Sam over for popcorn, magnet experiments, magic maize, candle decorating, lunch and general madness. Thanks you two for putting up with all the phone calls and my high stress levels!!!!! (And for going and getting lunch!)
This photo will make my sister laugh; i used to drive her mad with my complicated plans style games. Nice to see it’s genetic anyway.
Came down this morning to find Maddy and Amelie playing a game. Aw 🙂
Fran is gradually getting the hang of Settlers 4 (well, that is an optimistic take on it, i do wish she’s listen to me even slightly!), maddy did a gorgeous Belle in Hama and i did a dragon. Maddy and Fran are just so funny; if i ask Fran about 20 times, she might stay sat down long enough to do half a frog. Maddy sits perfectly still long enough to do twice that and more. They do make me laugh.
Amelie has had milk sometime over the last few days; i think it was my fault and i mixed up hers and Josie’s breakfast bowls. She is raw, itching, sobbing at night and i feel awful for her. Maddy’s still on a post-Melrose comedown and getting over-hyped and upset at the least thing. These days she responds well to a firm word though, thank goodness and i think she is beginning to have some good personal strategies for dealing with herself when she blows. Tough for her though; she can sort herself out when she goes, but only when we point out to her that she’s gone.. if you follow?
Fran and i have an agreement that if she gets to the end of all the Fairy books that she has and reads one other set of books i’ve bought her, i’ll get her the next set when they are published on the 6th April. So of course she’s now read her 28th book and sat up till 11pm reading last night! *shriek*
Not more fairies!!!! That woman must be loaded by now!
sounds like a great day
Rainbows Fairies… when the next lot come out there will be 35 plus 4 i think!
(((hugs))) for the stress levels, hope things are ticking along. Looks like a good day, “organised autonomy” they look like they are doing great.
Which Fairy books is Fran reading? Abi is into some fairy books too, wondered if they were the same ones.
It does sound like a good day, we’re going for no dairy with Flapper, but I keep slipping up! oops!
i do, we’ve done that set! 😉
What bad grammer I used just now,lol. Yes Abi loves these books too! Did you know they are selling some on Red House? you probably do.
Love the pic of the 2 girls playing – Maddy looks cute with her “bed-head” lol! I love it when I find my 2 engaged in some game together (which they do despite the 7 year age gap!)
Lovely pics 🙂
Pet fairies sound somehow even more scary than **** party fairies though don’t they? I have images of all the bunnies in the world turning nasty until Rachel and Kirsty save the Bunny fairy from the evil Jack frost…..
Must get a life!