In all the right ways.
We’ve entered a period of HE that i feel really comfortable with and which i very much hope is the way we are heading. I think we’ve been in training for it for a while, in that fairly strict rules over the last year or 2 seem to have set up a “work ethic” of sorts but seeing the fruits is very gratifying.
Fran has worked today, with virtually no suggestion at reading, writing, maths, IT, history, geography, design… a couple of workbooks she likes, computer time on EC and playing Settlers and lots of Hama.
Maddy has read, designed shapes with Fun Blox, organised her sisters into games, used a book on insects to draw some pictures, written out invitations for a dancing show, rehearsed the dancing show, used the computer and spent time leading and organising her little sisters in a way she doesn’t when Fran is engaged in her play.
Amelie has played with Blox, looked at books, drawn, danced, worked at stacking and sorting and jigsaws with Josie, played CBeebies and Dora and EC (slightly unnervingly she got 90% in a Yr 2 maths game!), hama-ed and played in a way i love to see. She is becoming such a big sister to Josie and Josie adores her. It is great to see a “little two” developing.
Most of all i loved the fact that i just sat back and watched really, helping at times but mostly marvelling at how they interacted and got on. Amelie and Maddy fashioned a fabulous game about cocoons and butterflies for ages, it was fabulous.
Me. I’ve fielded phonecalls and silenced weeping children with jaffa cakes all day. Phonecalls have ranged from sad, irritating, emotional but positive, grinding, scary to downright exciting. But they did go on ALL day!
And i had to drive the Clio thing. It was like driving a tortoise!
I’m driving a Yaris atm – equally small but quite lovely 🙂
Sounds like a brill day, I love it when things go like that 🙂 And yeah, well done for setting the ‘work ethic’ in place.
What’s the betting it will all fall apart tomorrow though 😉
SSH! Don’t say it – i need tomorrow to go really well for all sorts of very exciting reasons…. make it a good one 🙂
Hey, Sarah the second, you need an identifier – it’s too confusing having all these Sarah’s!
Sounds like your day was similar to ours – I just love those days when everything pootles along nicely 😀
As for the car…when we had to have a loan car recently they gave us a Vauxhall Nova. A NOVA!! lol, Tim is well over 6 foot …you can imagine the squash (with him grumbling like Mutley as he tries to get in) hahahaha!
exciting reasons?????
My sis-in-law is a Sarah so I tend to get referred to as Sarah2 lol! So I’ll use that here if it helps 🙂
not on IM, but checking ‘puter for updates!!
hope all goes well today. we are a hive of bracelet beading – umm how many bead bracelet stores do you think we can have at kessingland??
Well, I think Violet and Gwenny have probably done theirs to death, don’t suppose they’ll be wanting to do more at Kessingland!