Yesterday Max bought Watership Down for the girls; now, leaving aside my “you can’t watch it till you’ve read it” obsessions, this would have been fine. Not so fine is that a) i was pretty sure Fran would bawl for England and b) well.. you’ll see.
So this morning we heard them all get up and come down to watch it for the first time. Uh oh, we thought, but it was cold so we stayed put.. an hour went by, then a bit more…
Now, you need to know at this point that the remote for our dvd has stopped working; it was a cheap DVD too and it has a penchant for setting itself up with the German version of a film and you have to Sprachen yourself back to the English. Still, so long as you can just press play, you are fine but the player itself has no scroll buttons, so if you need to navigate… well.. you’re ****ed.
So we came down this morning (you can see where this is going can’t you?) and asked how the film went. “Okay,” they said “but we didn’t understand it very well.” “Oh well,” we replied comfortably, “you were probably doing 6 other things at once, just watch it again.” “No,” they answered, “it wasn’t that. It was just that the words were really hard too understand; we couldn’t hear it properly or something…”
They’d only watched the whole sodding thing in German without realising!!!! 🙄
Other than that, lovely time celebrating Sam’s birthday with him and a 10 stone Python (where is that THUD emoticon when you need it?) i want a Chameleon now. Must get them to come to MuddlePuddle sometime. The Tanrantula was AWFUL though… *shudders* Thanks for having us you three 🙂
Fran and i popped out after that to go and do some Tesco Extra Retailing, including spending a fistful of World Book Day Vouchers and getting frames for our latest photos. Just loved watching her pore over choosing a book; such a thrill 🙂 And we’ve watched Watership Down again, in English and yes, i cried as usual 🙂
There is no way on this planet that I would let Big at Watership down yet, she’d have nightmares for weeks!
She might be okay if it was in German!!!!!
Wow, I wouldn’t (well, didn’t!) put Watership Down on a list of films for your lot! It’s bloody grim.
I know – they liked it though, in English. Chalk one up for the surprises children can give you!
thank you for coming! hope you all had fun. Watership down is just too sad for me, I feel like crying just thinking about it!
yeah I don’t think mine would be ready for it yet either (infact I’m not ready for it again yet, just Bright Eyes on the radio has me welling up!)
….but think of the educational opportunity – you’ll have to teach them German now and then they’ll understand it 😀
Far too tear-jerking for me though … that and the bit in Bambi where his mum gets killed by the hunter …..SOB!!!!
well, as for bambi, i cried when reading that to SB, and wouldn’t go near watership down!!
Don’t ….. I’m welling up just reading these comments and thinking about it!!!
I do sob a bit at the end, i’m not sure i’ve been as traumatised as you lot seem to be though!!!!
My two loved WS down at Christmas – no tears. I even got shouted at for spoiling the suspense when Hazel got shot and I attempted to dent the sadness with a quiet ‘wait and see’. They are very tough!
Yesterday saw me crying over ET. Leo watched it dry eyed but kept kissing my teary cheeks and re-assuring me.
I cry at every damn thing. Also, I’m much, much worse since we had the kids.
Ah well, i cried while giving Fran a fire safety awareness talk today. She thought i was mad i think.
I think it’s a mum thing….
We all settled down to watch Watership Down that I’d taped at xmas, only to discover the delightful cat had obviously trodden on the remote and changed channels part way through recording!! E.T makes me cry too.