Hurrah, my sinuses are my own again!
Got a shed load of stuff to achieve tonight so i’ll blog todays relatively meaningful achievements now.
Fran: spent ages on some English tests, then a handwriting book, then did some new knitting (dolly blanket squares) and then played on EducationCity doing this and that. She seems to quite like that and it is good for keeping them all occupied. I’ve got a trial till the end of March, so i’ll see how we get on.
Maddy: Did some more reading, but struggled with the number of new words in the books. I’m going to rethink tonight in time for tomorrow. She also did some EducationCity and also spent ages on Bear and Penguin maths; the timer on the higher levels upsets her unfortunately, wish it could be switched off. She can do what it is asking fine, but the pressure of the clock ticking throws her terribly, even on slow setting.
Amelie: read Dora books, counted in Spanish a lot, played with fabric, watched Dora, entertined Josie. I offered to start teaching her to read but she declined 😆
Josie: noisy, snotty, smelly but curiously endearing. Slept a lot today so perhaps over the worst of her grumbly yuk.
Early afternoon my delivery of Fun Blox arrived so we broke open a few boxes of those, hid the rest before they could get too addicted and they’ve played with them all afternoon. They seem to have been in school of some sort, with Fran as teacher doing demos as if she has been to a QVC masterclass. It’s been terribly amusing to watch and listen to! I did take photos, but right now gym and about 6 million parcels (princesses are walking out the door!) beckon!
Oh, I’m with Maddy on the timers thing! Both P and L find them really off-putting. It’s a shame that so many games (especially maths ones) put them on.
Education city gaves us three free trials in the end – by which time the kids were sick of it.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better – so much illness around at the moment. It MUST be time for spring now…
Yuk, to timers! Giggle, I checked your blog this morning, admired the Hama beads and saw your comments on my blog,. We’re making a list!
Wow, it’s even hit across the pond, huh? Yucky snottiness is rampant here in the Detroit area as well. We’re all mostly over it, excepting our little guy (2yo), his went into his ears, yeowch!
One more vote for abolishing timers!
My dd used to get really stressed with the B&P one too.
I must have a look at the Education City site, though we’re going to need a new computer since there are 3 children fighting to use ours now (have discovered you can buy them 2nd hand from Dell).