Although, today i think we came slightly too close to just having too many children in general 🙂
Bless the beans, they came to us, rather than us to them as i was all done over by last night with a slight D&V recurrance for Josie yesterday (which disappeared today) an earache for Fran (which disappeared today) an impending bead delivery (which didn’t arrive) and achy tonsils (which miraculously improved overnight.) So in the event i dragged them away from their home for no reason, but i appreciated it.
And it did mean i was at home to receive a lovely bunch of flowers sent by a friend 🙂 thank you for that too 🙂
But they were all a bit noisy and post Melrose-ish and even i managed to to make SB cry twice (once with a banana!) Josie was vile and grumpy all day. Amelie has some nasty cough/snot/temper thing starting up. Oh joy.
Mind you, on the upside, Fran has started spontaneously practising joined up writing and leaving me little notes everywhere. She’s also enjoyed the cd-roms from some Spark Island stuff i bought from Joyce. She has hugely outgrown the software we own all of a sudden and i need to find her something more appealing; any ideas anyone?
I’ll leave helen to blog the thing with the glue – the pots we made look remarkably cool now though, much better with dried PVA.
Carmen Sandiego?
Just gave my Carmen Sandiago away, as I could not make it work on XP – and I’m usually pretty good at finding patches, but couldn’t locate one for that.
That’s funny, all of ours have worked fine – where in the world, where in time, maths and word detective – i’ve not had to patch any of them!
Have you tried the DK History Explorer/Science Explorer/British Isles Explorer etc? Also Magic School Bus? And Cluefinders?
We get alot of our software from They sell Free Software(or nearly free you pay p&p and some CD’s are a couple £££)
They do fab Preschool/1-3grade/4-6grade bundles and assorted other things.
We like DK World explorer and Human body explorer.