Hurrah for people who hand out double doses of AB’s. I made it through today with hardly any painkillers 🙂
That said, i didn’t really feel up to moving far from a chair today but the children were remarkably obliging about it, if you leave aside Josie who is all out of sync and howled to 3am and spent quite a lot of today being a stroppy mare.
Following the latest blogring craze, i talked to Maddy about Illustration Friday and predictably, she was most impressed by the idea. The theme was song and these were her drawings.
Top one is Dory singing to Marlin, the second is someone dancing to a radio and the bottom one is a bird singing as it pops out of a cuckoo clock. i do love Maddy’s take on the world.
And while we are at it, here is one of their candles.
Maddy and i also did some more reading – she seemed to have remembered all the words from before Melrose and we enjoyed doing that. She’s nearly finished the second set of books now.
Fran spent a lot of time exploring links from the Jump Page i set up as their home page; her browser has collapsed slightly and lost its personal toolbar, so she’d lost lots of links. She was pleased to have them back. Was slightly unnerved later to find them all collected round the pooter reading back issues of the blog! 😯 Fran did a couple of 10 minute English tests and out of the blue asked if iwould help her get going on joined up writing as she feels it will be easier to keep things neat. Um. Okay then dear, if you insist 🙂
Amelie and Josie have taken turns on Spot’s Busy Day, we’ve popped out to post parcels together and now, after a mammoth story session, everyone is asleep. I think they are on their 12th Lemony Snicket viewing now, so the plot may begin to sink in sometime soon 🙄
aah! SB still not asleep – so thats our evening ruined then.
we haven’t yet opened SB’s birthday presents [well, apart from a pink geomag set!] as waiting until her birthday.
that is a good set of candles, glad they went down well. Will show Big the piccie soon.
Ah you cant get enough of Lemony…which reminds me I need to go to the library to get next bk. 🙂
Glad you are feeling better…it took a wack load of ABs to get rid of my abcess before xmas and I thought I was gonna die. Fingers crossed no more pain x
Oh no, believe me, you CAN have enough of Lemony. Fran got up at 5am this morning and watched it twice!