I’ve just watched someone get arrested for being drunk and disorderly in public. Novel way to spend the early evening 🙄 It was all a bit pitiful really; late middle age couple, bloke clearly alcoholic and not perhaps 100% himself anyway, being pleaded with to leave the NHS Walk-In Centre by 2 policemen, who eventually had no choice but to arrest him. All very sad 🙁
Nice nurse at the centre agreed that my tonsils were completely disgusting and prescribed me 10 days worth of 8 penicillin a day, bless her, which should clear it. It is my own fault, i knew i had a low level chest infection the week before Melrose but i thought it cleared up on its own. I guess it has overwhelmed my tonsils again. I really really thought i had left this behind last summer, i’ve not had a bout for ages 🙁 Let’s hope this clears it up properly.
Kids have been relatively angelic, while keeping well away from my stinky breath and watched Lemony Snicket, played games, performed (a rather long and tedious) version of Rapunzel (Fran doesn’t have quite Violet’s narration skills there!) dressed up, computed, gamecubed, read, drawn and in Maddy’s case, done her best to get to grips with doubling and halving, which came about in the car on Thursday night.
Max has been lovely and alternately tucked me up in bed and provided endless sympathy; i’m hoping i’ll recover quick as he is away most of this week on various things. I’ve got loads to do, as usual, including booking Kessie which i have about as much inclination to do as shoot my foot at the moment. But i daresay that will pass.
sending get well “vibes”…. hopefully the ABs will be doing their stuff before Max has to leave you to it.
I hope so; i’m banking on being a lot better y tomorrow. 48 hours without Max, unpleasantly ill with 4 children and a weeks worth of parcels to do is unappealing to the nth degree.
((((hugs)))) from me Merry, I really hope it clears up for you soon.
(((hugs))) from me too Merry, really hope you get better soon. Hope the AB’s work quicker for you than they did for me the other week! Mmm – Charlie just read this all and said that you should send all your children here! Not sure he graps the concept of full-time work yet….
Hope you get better soon.
Eek – this sounds like the cold I have – I’ve had a persistent cold since the first week or so of December. I can recommend limeflower, elder, yarrow and ginger root blend tea (made by my local herbalist – there’s a national herbalist line to find one local to you) as well as hot steam inhalations (fill bowl with boiling water) and pop towel over – I’ve been given a chamomile, thyme and juniper berry herbal inhalation blend to pop in and it does seem to be working.
Liz, i’m not really coldy, thoguh i had an awful cold 2 weeks ago which i think might have started it. I’ve got a throat infection, something i get depressingly regularly. I’m too chicken to have my tonsils out though.