Poor Amelie. First i feed her a breakfast cereal covered in milk powder, then i make her eat her lunch before i’ll take her out to buy a long promised present for being so good about not having milky stuff. Now, i was justified in doing so i think, she’s fine about not eating things with milk but she is being a royal pain in the posterior about food in general. It annoys me when she’s ratty because she hasn’t eaten, i can’t be doing with it. Unfortunately, when we eventually got to TRU, me having won the battle, the particular item was sold out. (Or stolen, Amelie decided.) And i can’t find it anywhere online either 🙁 She was very stoical about it actually.
otherwise, we’ve had a good day. Maddy read me another load of Roger Red-hat readers, really very well. They suit her perfectly. We curled up in bed together and had a quiet half an hour doing that. Fran did some year 3 CGP maths adequately well, although perhaps i was expecting too much hoping that she’d see the logic behind doing “How many 50ps in £10” as “there are 2 50ps in £1 so it must be 2*10”. Oh well.
For a lot of the morning fran was doing maths or reading, Maddy was doing Rainbow Rock and Amelie was doing a numbers workbook, all a bit co-incidental but kept me busy being run from one end of the house to the other. Maddy was adding HTU’s perfectly ably, including letting it teach her carry over. (Result, i’ll leave that to the machine then.) Amelie was counting objects and ringing the right number out of a choice of 3. Actually, i’m revising my opinion of RR; fran and i spent ages on it today as she wanted to play its Fraction game and it certainly seems to have helped her a good deal.
During the afternoon Fran knitted, i crocheted (i’ve created a new stitch, i think i’m getting the hang of this, i really must find a book) and everyone else took turns at some stamping with a couple of sets of stamps they got given and the computer. Josie even had a nap, which is depressingly rare 🙄
I’ve posted most of the things i needed to post, so am feeling all high achieving – and i’ve redone quite a few of the most essential MP pages already. I’m quite motivated to get it sorted at the moment. I’ve even shaken the worst of my cough, assisted by some Dry Cough Sudafed, so i don’t feel so muggy. Phew.
Oh yes. And Maddy came home with another tooth in her hand!
I can bring my pattern book, and Big has a learn to crochet book if she can find it, would they help?
Oh yes, that would certainly help 🙂
Abbie lost a tooth at school today too. I was irrationally cross to have missed it.
Oh i hate it when i miss them. I missed Fran’s second one too, though most of the Centerparcs swimming pool saw the aftermath!
can i have a look at rainbow rock at some point, as it sounds like SB would like it.
Yes, i’m going to bring it with me next week to occupy any of my children who come near me looking like they need to be scared off again!
I’d like a look at RR too please. Have just searched Amazon and eBay for anything like it and turned up lots of old LP’s and references to Deep Purple.
I think I’ll pack my knitting bag too, as I have about three outstanding projects that need finishing. Shall bring crochet hooks too for a bit of variety.