Maddy informed me yesterday that she is a Doodledoo, a Smarteenie, an Artist and an Inventor and that this means she is too busy to learn anything. 🙂 She also said, quite seriously that when she is grown up she is going to draw cartoons for Cbeebies – and then after a thoughtful moment asked “If i do that, will i still be allowed to born small babies?”
Today has felt a bit disjointed; mainly i think because i’m trying to get through a week of ovulating without chocolate – i’ve got some serious withdrawal going on! Everyone else seems to have been fairly well occupied anyway.
Fran and i spent some time on some 10 minute maths tests – among other things we identified that she’s a bit shaky on the important numbers that make up 100, so we worked all that out. Otherwise she did fine – we then picked out a sum from the SATs books that had been a bit of a problem and did some of those. Funnily enough, when i suggested using brackets to make it clearer, she fell on that idea at once and was then able to do them easily. Other than that she’s read loads (including on the toilet! 🙄 ) and been fairly industrious about a variety of things.
Maddy did several more drawings for her story and then spent absolutely ages using the Rainbow Rock Singapore maths cd-rom. Last time i looked she was effortlessly adding up to 100 and only stopped for lunch after several requests.
Amelie has also done a good bit of Rainbow Rock, with how much success i am not sure but she seems happy enough. It seems a bit better than i thought actually, though still not sure i would have wanted to pay full price for it. She has also played with the Cuisenaire rods and other bits and bobs.
Josie did Maxi Hama for absolutely ages – another one bites the dust 🙂 She’s been a little bad tempered today at times; i think she’s got another tooth coming through. She keeps coming over and thumping me 🙄
This afternoon we’ve done a sequence drawing on rice fields, decorated a paper rice bowl and learned about the Great Wall of China. We talked about the practice of lighting beacons to get an emergency message through and i showed them the sequence from The Return of the King. It’s just my favourite bit of the film. Maddy seemed somewhat perplexed by all this and after a few minutes of patient explanation i asked her why she didn’t understand. “Why didn’t they just phone up?” she said. Ah. 🙄 Back to the drawing board.
Anyway, ended up with a page of facts, maps and drawings on that. Hopefully by next week we’ll have a nice little booklet; i don’t particularly want to drag it out beyond then, long projects suck my soul dry a bit! Still, Rainbows and Brownies tonight have a Chinese theme so no doubt that will help too. I love it when a plan comes together 🙂
Alison says
“important numbers that make up 100”??? Who gets to pick which ones are important? 😉 Sounds ever so NC to me 😉 36 and 64, they’re my favourites that add up to 100.
merry says
Pah – 5*20, 25*4, 50*2 – i kind of think those are quite important – and that only came from my head, not anything NC. I couldn’t believe she couldn’t worrk them out!
Personally, i like 33 +77 🙂
merry says
oh god – that was a deliberate mistake, i promise!!!!! 😆
Nic says
50 and 50 surely 🙂 Nothing so attractive as symmetry
merry says
Nah – i don’t do symmetry from the toes up!
Karen b says
Emma has really grabbed the chinese theme and we hope to start ‘doing’ and talking about it a bit more following the leads you have put up plus the books we got from the library and map to colour flag to colour etc. She seems to have picked up about Chinese New Year from CBeebies which she has been watching an awful lot this week. Emma has also taken to Doodle Do as well only she calls it doodly do!
chris F says
101 + (-1) 🙂