Funny old day, quite productive but weird at the same time.
Max had today off, for one reason or another, but i didn’t really want to loaf about with no routine, so we ignored him and got on with normal stuff 🙂
The day started with Amelie lying in bed next to me and when i said “I feel rough” (i’ve got a laryngitis type thing with added cold) she said “R-U-F is rough.” Okaaaaaay…… She’s been playing “Word Factory” on the Leapster and i think sounding out must be sinking in. I certainly haven’t taught her anything! Why can’t my children just be predictable???!!!!??? She’s spent ages on CBeebies again with very minimal help; something must be sinking in.
Fran started the day with the 2 SATS books i got her; slightly to my surprise, she really liked the formula of them and i eventually had to drag them away. She did all the Level 2 English faultlessly and looking at it now, with the benefit of seeing how she read over the last week, i would imagine she’ll do the level 3 just fine too. She’s asked me to get more of them, which i probably will since she seemed to like them. More surprisingly, she found the maths quite hard – in fact, it wasn’t the maths itself but the unfamiliar ways it was phrased i think, she’s more used to the proper words and this was all a bit touchy feely. On the other hand, it flagged up a few things i’d like to be smoother, things that, to be brutally honest, she needs for real life. I’d like our maths to be more real life, but somehow it never quite happens. Sigh. We aren’t perfect ever, are we?
Maddy was very busily drawing a cartoon of The Hardy Tin Soldier – she did three really fab pictures, but i’ve mislaid her sketchbook at the moment, so i’ll have to photograph them later. They are fabulous though, i really loved them. She did a bit of the Leapster, which is so commandeered by Amelie now that Maddy doesn’t get a look in, which is a shame in many ways. On the other hand, we saw the next generation of Leapfrog stuff at the toyfair so maybe i could splash out on a new pad when they come out 🙂
The girls were still keen to spend some time looking at China, so while they ate lunch i printed off a few bits and bobs; feels like ages since i’ve had to do that sort of thing. It was quite funny, revisiting places like Enchanted Learning and stuff! To be honest, i didn’t quite know where to start, so i printed off a few maps and got them to colour them in while i read them a Chapter out of SOTW. Turned out to be a perfect thing as it gave us a big list of things we wanted to know more about.
Fran’s picture – i’ve never seen her work so hard at making something look nice. She is growing up so fast 😯
Maddy decorated a fan with a picture of a rose. We’ve got plans for making fans later too.
Amelie joined in too and coloured in a map – she laid the colour on thick that girl, she does like to do things properly! They also playewd the matching game that was one of the first resources i ever put on to MuddlePuddle
That seemed to go down very well, they played it several times; Fran was still hoarding our orginals from our first hit on China as HEers 😆 if anyone still has the pdf on China that used to be on Woodwench, i’d love it 🙂
Several rounds of Narnia game, some Britannia stories, gym, some Dora (Josie is waiting in the wingfs to become a Doraphile but Amelie isn’t giving up the slot easily) and parcels and it’s bedtime. A successful day i think. We’ve identified the yellow valley, silk, chinese tea, the Shang Dynasty, Bronze and pictograms as things to look at from todays reading, so this project might take wings and fly 🙂
Tracy W. says
Just e-mailed you a China file that Tech did – hope it’s what you are after.
See you at Melrose,
merry says
Tracy, that is exactly what i wanted, thank you 🙂
Amanda says
Love Maddy’s picture. Sounds like a busy day.
Joanna says
I have a nascent Dora-phile here too … (Hey, that was a good word, wasn’t it!!)
merry says
It’s excellent – i have no idea what it means though!
Joanna says
‘In the process of being born’ or something like that!