Someone suggested doing a “skin tones” mix – i thought pink, flesh, beige, coffee and brown and also perhaps cream and/or pastel yellow – anyone got any thoughts? It’s a good idea, but i don’t want it to be too like my browns one (which has beige, coffee, burgundy, brown, winnie and dark brown.)
Any thoughts?
Jax says
how many different pinks do you have? a pastel one would be good. cream does sound good, not sure what colour the pastel yellow is tbh.
merry says
rofl… lawks a mercy! I might be able to put them up from BM i suppose….
“Pastel pink” is actually quite bright, the ordinary one tends to get used by my lot for faces, flesh is not very flesh, more sort of sunburned, beige is reasonably “flesh”, coffee is a cert too as it is a nice sort of sub-continent skinned/native american sort of colour – pastel yellow and cream are my best guesses for China/Japanese/Indonesian types – but neither are quite perfect really.
It’s all a bit complicated!
Might go with cream actually, slightly less unreal than the yellow… will hunt for colours after kids in bed.
Debbie says
take photos of the colours and post them here so we can vote on it