Maddy is very concerned about numbers at the moment “why do numbers just go on and on?” she asks everyone she meets. Clearly “because you can always add on 1” is not cutting the mustard. 🙄 She’s been asking all sorts of strange things this weekend, some quite good stuff, though i can’t rememeber it, and looking very grown up too. Must admit to having to stifle my giggles on the way home though; we were pontificating on a house move and suddenly realised she was crying – on questioning she revealed, “I don’t want to move, i’ll miss Sainsbury’s!!!” Bless.
Weekend consisted of… Mr Benn, mostly, some knitting, some internetting, lots of reading (catching up on this weeks MuddlePuddle Reading Curriculum ). Tomorrow we are going to do something on camels; Fran read several of the poems outloud and filled in more details to the Greek myth. Even Maddy and Amelie were telling me bits from the cd that weren’t in the book. Might look for the next level up of that set of stories at some point. i love the poem book actually. it is such a good mixture.
Max spent the weekend at his dads, while i was at my mum and dads, so we collected him today and stayed for lunch. Amelie has been brilliant over the milk thing, bravely asking if things have it and not minding if she has to go without. Yesterday morning she accidentally got given cows milk on her breakfast – she scratched her tummy and whinged all day. There is no way it was co-incidence. 🙁 Need to get more organised on snacks for her, but we are managing.
I’ve set about a knitting project with HESFES wool – going to give felt a la Joyce a go and see how i do – virtuously excited by Muffin-ness.
Drove down the m1 today, something i used to do every week to go and see Max – given the excitement in the car because we were all on our way to collect him, it was such an odd feeling; such a throw back to old days but so very different too. Was wondering if those uncertain days of early relationship would have been more or less fun if i could have been given a tiny glimpse of the future me, in my Peugeot, with his 4 children all off to see him. Is the heady excitement and terror of wondering if it will last, the fun of it or a fly in the ointment?
And is it only me who sees irony in the fact that we have massive, 6ft square, reflective blue signs all down our motorways announcing that we are in “The National Forest”. Is “The National Forest” not an attempt to bring natual habitat and beauty back to our country? Do the blue signs really help? Do we need to know we are in it? (Well perhaps, since the trees were a bit sparse :roll:) But you know, a nice easy on the eye, wood-cut sign with an impression of a tree would have been more in the spirit of it. Surely?
They’ve done the same thing on the M42/A42, except the signs there are reflective green on the A bit.
That and they help hide the huge landfill on the northbound side. 🙄
Grin… Dimitra, i can’t help thinking that might open up a whole other can of worms!
Yeah, the Universe could well be finite 😉 And we can count (theoretically, lol) way way past the number of *particles* in the universe, let alone stars.
TBH, I reckon it doesn’t get much better than “because you can always add one” 🙂 Numbers are ideas, not things, so they can carry on forever.
Shall I bring up the subject of countable and uncountable infinities tomorrow? 😉
Yes please, i’m erm… counting on you!
How about trying telling Maddy that the stars never end and we need to be able to count them (even if we’ll never be able to really do it)? At least that’s why I think numbers never stop!
Then again, you might have to answer why the stars go on and on afterwards 🙂
(But at least that’s kind of more concrete: stars exist, numbers we just imagine. So you can say you don’t know, but scientiests have observed it is this way. Or you could explain the Big Bang of course. And buy her ‘The universe in a nutshell’ 😉
Does it not concern anyone else that numbers just go on and on?
It has always bothered me that you can keep adding one or (much worse) doubling numbers.
Yeah, it always bothered me. I can’t help feeling that there ought to be a point where you can say “and that’s your lot!”
Well, what if after you stopped you discovered there’s one more particle? 😉
No Stella, I’d find it a whole sight weirder if they stopped! The thought of that is just scary – why would they stop? What should the limit of numbers be? How would you count the number or irrational numbers between 0 and 1? Oh dear, I’m going to have to go for a lie down now …
Giggle… Alison, i think you might just have melted your circuit boards 😉
Now *I* like to put things into boxes and numbers are like bits of tinsel that always hang out of the edges and you can’t contain them properly. Ruddy things.
You should invent a magic box Merry. It holds all numbers, no matter how many of them there are.
Just try to keep it shut… I dread to think what will happen in your head if they’re let loose!
Oh, I enjoyed that, thanks.