I should point Jacqui H at this one; i once sent her into a spasm by starting a white poo thread on Muddlepuddle. Today’s was green, which unnerved Max but i was able to trace it to that blue food colouring 😆 Lol.. poor Maddy. Poo is not meant to be green 😉
We said goodbye to the Muddies today after an excellent couple of days; all inspired by allotment-fever now. Fran was a star and agreed to do her normals today, with the hope that perhaps someone visiting would see that doing stuff with mum isn’t all bad. Hope it helped anyway. I was so pleased with Fran for trying to help out – plus she obviously gets division okay, so that is cool!
Anyway we had a lovely time having you to stay. Come again soon 🙂
Fran’s boots arrived and they are absolutely gorgeous 🙂 So nice, that i went and looked on the Vertbaudet sale to see if i could get something of theirs for Maddy. So she and i looked, and she chose some little blue ankle boots in the sale (boy style i think but she insisted!) and i got 3 little skirts too, for £27. Oh well, only my second spending slip this year. I’ll be a Boden mummy yet…. 😉
The girls rehearsed and performed Cinderella for me, which i just loved – and they had so much fun and were so organised and focused. They had really got Amelie involved too and i enjoyed it very much.
Back to Rainbows and Brownies, more parcels tonight and then lots of organisation to do. I’ve got a million things in my mind; there is lots going on, here and elsewhere that throws everything into new and interesting shades of curiosity. Life is a bit scary in some ways, but fascinating too. I’m sure it will look even more interesting on a decent nights sleep as that i have NOT had. Josie has the most awfully sore bottom and a terrible tummy, combining to make her angry rather regularly today 🙁 Ho hum.
Amanda says
Cinderella sounds lovely. Poor Josie (and poor you!). Well done for getting bargins! I had a sort out of clothes so I have a list and plan to out next week.
chris F says
How much icing did she eat? though Helen did overdo it abit with the amount of colouring
Sarah says
We had pink wee here today, beetroot risotto for tea last night!
merry says
Rather a lot, if i know my Maddy!
Carol says
poor Josie, hope she feels better soon, so you can catch up on your sleep
SallyM says
Hope Josie is better soon, my nephew is very similar atm thanks to teeth 🙁 Well done on the bargains. I, on the other hand, also went to Vertbaudet but ended up spending rather more than that because they had some orange jumpers and some orange boots. Since orange is a certain small childs favourite colour I figured it would be a good use of his DLA to see if said items will entice him to staying dressed! If only they would hurry up and come, I’m getting rather fed up of the blue lipped look when he strips off coat/jumper/shoes and socks *sigh* !
Kris says
LOLOL! You know, I was pondering green poo earlier, whilst assisting Tea with her ablutions.
I’d completely forgotten about blue food colouring! 😀 She and Maddy did eat a fair amount, didn’t they?
We had a wonderful time – thank you so much for putting up with us. I thoroughly enjoyed the chaos of 7 small girls. The wine did help, of course 😉