…just to continue the illusion that Kris and i are sat here talking to everyone but each other! rofl – we are very multi-tasking 😉
Today: short but sweet; we bundled an enormous quantity of small, tremendously excitable girls into the cars, after a task of getting them into shoes and coats which seems to increase exponentially in difficulty from 4 to 7 children. 🙄 Myf and Fran are now best friends and Fran was rather distressed at the 45 minute separation in cars.
Negotiated the way to the Beans, were we added 2 more little girls to the mix, 9 under 7 years old is not bad going and it will probably surprise no one who knows them that the order of the day appeared to be mainly Princess dresses!!!!! For 4 hours!
Jo-Jo added “GO!” to her vocab, which pushing a lego caterpillar (i gave ours of those away after Maddy, wish i hadn’t) and apart from eating like a pig, spent the time poddling, as she does. And making rather good approximations of Kris and SB’s names. And poddling. And giving me love 🙂
Home for more rampant giggling, which ceased as suddenly as if someone switched them off. Have to say, the Muddies seem to be something of a hit here. (And she brings wine too 🙂 )
Now off to be corrupted by some horti-porn 😆
Kirsty says
horti-porn?? Are you sure you’d not rather I sent you some nice images of blokes instead??? I dunno, you women in your 30’s…. (runs and ducks)
I know I said I was off to bed, but I realised I had a sink full of washing up to do 🙁
chris F says
I like ‘poddling’ 🙂 Great to have you all over, as always, always like a houseful. Great to ahev Kris and the gang as well.
chris F says
You wait until you get into your ’40s Kirsty….
Kris says
Horti-porn… luvverly stuff
Would do more but haven’t got my normal list of favourites to hand. 😉
Kirsty says
I knew exactly what you were on about 😉 Still think more general oogling is more fun!
Alison says
Oh lordy, poor E is likely to die of girl overload at the Beans’ next week!
Glad you are having a lovely time – don’t get seduced by the seeds 😉
merry says
It’s okay, i was planning to set him up a dark gamecubing corner!
Scooby says
In light of National Delurking Week, I am here to say hi there! I do read your blog and my life is always a little more entertaining and blessed because of it!
aka Scooby at A Place to Grow
HelenHaricot says
we have a ‘puter here – but no gamecubes!!
I’m sure he is used to a bit of princessiness?
merry says
Kirsty – you too will be 30, one day in the very distant future. We are saving it all up for you, you know. 😉
Alison says
Hmmm, well, M was telling me the other day that soon she’ll probably be mostly wearing black, and T is still happy to wear boys’ clothes … no, we don’t have too much princessiness here to deal with 😉 Do have some lovely video footage of E in a little net tutu though, lol.
merry says
Oh well, he’ll fit right in then 😉