Okay… none of these actually make me snort (and in fact i like one or more of them) , not in the way the ones that annoyed me did anyway… but they are all size 13, so in effect all intended to be worn by children between 6-9 say… so, what do you think?
Sarah says
Boot 5 are the only ones I would let my children wear. The others were too high heeled or too fluffy and stupid.
Sarah says
oops, missed the pink ones when I looked – they’re okay! Think the fluffy ones were okay but just a waste of money because they’re so fluffy and stupid!
If the kids wanted to spend their own money on fluffy ones I’d probably let them, but there is no way they would have them as their main footwear!
merry says
Boot 5 looked the MOST high heeled to me. I can handle the short fluffy black ones and might even bid on the pink (and i daresay Maddy would love the blue, but she can dream on!)
Jax says
I’ll stick my neck out – I don’t think young children should be wearing high heels. Actually, I’m not sure that *anyone* should wear high heels…
Big would love the pink ones, but I don’t think suede is particularly practical.
Hannah says
boots 4 and 6 would be the only ones to grace my daughters feet.
Heels are for women. (because of the sexuality *and* the health implications). A child has no business in heels unless she’s dressing up in the safety of her own home.
Heather says
I could handle 4…think 6 are pretty fabby but the others are a total no-no because high heels are bad for backs, knees, feet, leg muscles and posture.
But none of them are made for walking…
Heather says
Snap Jax 🙂
Merry…I think this stands a good chance of finding it’s way into “Renamed….contentious…”
Kirsty says
never mind the kids – *I* want a pair of blue fluffy moon boots. Wonder if they do them in size 3?
merry says
lol – yeah.. Boot-gate.
Kirsty, i bet you could get some!
Karen b says
‘I’ would feel seasick in the heeled boots and Emma can hardly walk in the flat shoes she has LOL. Don’t like fluffy as they would be a pig to clean. The last ones are girly but again not easy to clean – they would be dirty in about 3 seconds with Emma. I did buy Emma some (very expensive) boots from Clarkes the last time we went and she has worn them lots. They are leather with a lovely purple and similar colours patchwork cheque lining with purple interchangeable flowers on the ankle side and top front. They sound old but in fact are lovely children’s girly looking boots. They do have a small heel but not high at all in fact it is as wide as the heel of the foot and you don’t really notice it. She walks OK in them though.
Louise says
If it were me and my 6 year old, the only ones I really like are no 4, though the last ones are pink and she’d like them. I say no to any heels.
Eeek, I see what you mean about the heeled ones though!
My girls love heels (the 9 and 12 yr olds) but I never buy them because they are impractical, I don’t like the look and they are bad for the feet. The one time they have bought heeled boots (from charity shop (pocket money) – Tammy -who do lots of old clothing/shoes for VERY young kids! – they were not worn much because they realised they were not comfy and learnt from it.
Looking forward to seeing others views!
Ali says
I really don’t like Boots 1, 3 and 5 for kids. Don’t mind silly (colours/fluffiness etc.) as long as they’re not high heels. Their bones are still developing and this affects them.
2, 4 and 6 are OK I think.
merry says
Karen, that sounds like the kind of thing she would have liked, only they stop at about size 12 🙁
Deb W says
I know someone who has two daughters and would probably buy all of those for them. And I don’t mean “any one of those”, I mean “all of those”. Okay, so her dds are now 11 and 8, but she’d have bought them two or three years ago too.
I can’t see any of my boys going for them, not even the super-trendy one 😉
merry says
Clearly they have no style, Deb 😉
chris F says
OK, the Chris, Helen and Katy consensus here is that anythignm with heels is total no-no – I’m with Jax on heels I think. Blue fluffy ones would be ok as ‘silly’ ones, but not for proper wear. No.4 looks ok.
SB would love no.6 :-), and they seem ok, except that pink suede on SB would stay looking good for very long.
merry says
Doesn’t seem like my snort-level in the shops was particularly far away from general opinion then :))
I’m blessed if i’d be able to balance in at least two of those heels, i might be able to manage the black blocky ones, but no toes to speak of does rather limit ones balance. And if my two start wearing 2 inch heels, i’ll be in dangerous waters as to who is tallest soon!
Amanda says
Don’t like high heels on kids at all, a few years ago Zoe had a pair similar to the pink but they were plum/purple shades and wore really well, I only like the pink suede pair.
khadijah says
i’d def go for the pink!
imagine the filth on the blue ones.
black looked cosy, so a possibility
*NO WAY* to any of the others.
and i can’t believe we all just looked at them all.lol.
good advertising merry *wink*
Alison says
Yeah, the pink or the black #4 for me too. I’d get the blue fluffy ones if they really liked them though 🙂 (If they were worried about hem getting grubby, they could clean them, I certainly wouldn’t bother!) We don’t do heels in this house.
merry says
I suppose you could comb the blue one.. bobbles, hairslides, that sort of thing 😉
Katy says
I would buy the pink ones then an industrial sized can of that spray for stopping muck sticking to suade….
High heels are definitely not for kiddies. Not for adults either really but I know I’m in a minority there!!!!
Kris says
Just love the blue fluffy ones – can see Tea in those! And Myf would love any of the heels, although she would definitely not be allowed to wear them. I’m with the general consensus that heels are NOT for little girls.
I need heels, as I’m short. She’s 6 years old and already nearly up to my shoulder.
She would also love the pink suede, which would be fine as long as her father agreed to clean them.
Sarah says
OMG, I am going to have to be shot at dawn I think. Anna went shopping with Grandma today and has come home with boots of the hooker variety, imo! Can’t bring myself to take them back though, the whole day out with Grandma was her christmas present. The boots are only half of it though! Look out on flickr later …
merry says
oh – rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ho hum 🙂 😉
HelenHaricot says