I just found 37 comments from friends in moderation – including all the ones from you Helen that you complained that i ignored!
I wonder why it did that? It never has before… what did you change, Jax?
I just found 37 comments from friends in moderation – including all the ones from you Helen that you complained that i ignored!
I wonder why it did that? It never has before… what did you change, Jax?
Jax says
haven’t changed a thing – but if anyone alters anything after their first comment goes through, eg email address or some such, it will catch them. It’ll probably catch this, as I’ve no idea what I put in these boxes when I’m doing this from home…
HelenHaricot says
ah, i changed to helenharicot.
i hadn’t noticed!
Jax says
merry says
It never used to stop people commenting for the first time though, loads of them were new people from a couple of weeks back. Ah well, mystery is always good.