Another day in the familiar winter close down chez Raymond. So far everyone seems to have come through remarkably well, although Amelie is being a royal pain in the arse. Everything is a face off at the moment, she can’t do a single thing without a fight and argument. Oh well, another year and she’ll be 4 1/2 (all being well) and we’ll be friends again. Right now, boarding school is attractive.
Today has been a huge tidy, sort and clean day. We’ve de-junked the living room, i’ve skimmed off some toys and learning materials for ebay and chuicked paperwork i’ve not looked at in a year. Ma helped me shift the bulk of my tax return last night. Need to finish off the ependiture but it’s nearly there. The shelves are clean and tidy and the presents have homes; Max did a tip run and cleared away a heap of junk and went to Sainsbury’s, only to return with a new microwave and new duvets all round. I’d been having a major attack of the frugals so was slightly shocked to discover he’d taken on my spending mantle!
My beads are sorted and counted, my room and washing is done, the books are pruned and nearly where they need to be (new shelves tomorrow), my accounts are sorted out, i’ve cut back on a heap of things i was subscribed to and cut £40 a month out of my spending already. Max is being a total love and has taken it upon himself to devise us a calorie counted diet; being Max he is now the proud owner of lists of the calories in everything we eat and is reducing out intake by about half! I’m definitely going to lose that weight this year. I want to be thinner.
The girls helped lots today including getting their room sorted and vacuuming the house. As a reward i took them to see The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I know it has had mixed reviews but we loved it; I’m such a Narniaphile that it was going to have to work hard to annoy me but i was swept away and the girls were all spellbound. Fran just sat with a shining face throughout and at the end Maddy was on the edge of her seat and glowing with pleasure. I particularly like Aslan and Mr Tumnus and enjoyed the battle lots. I wasn’t oversold on the Witch, she wasn’t how i imagined her and Mr Beaver annoyed me slightly, but otherwise i found the changes much less offensive than in LOTR. Thought the kids were all great, particularly the younger two but like know i’d have fancied Peter if i had still been at school!
Was kind of exciting to go to the cinema through mist and snow, skate in the (ungritted) carpark 🙄 and eventually get pulled over by a slipping Amelie. I do love the British public; i’m on the floor, my stuff everywhere, 3 children upset and fretting while i un-wind myself and not one person even asks if i’m okay. Charming 🙁
Home to a lovely tea and a version of Swan Lake – i do love this time of year.
Roslyn says
It was brilliant but Jadis was not scary at all.
Roslyn says
I’m in the process of sorting the house out but as usual I can’t just put away and have to completely move the house around. Have decided to also redecorate two bedrooms so have to empty them tomorrow ready to do it at the weekend 🙂 The paint in the lounge needs freshening up so that might just get done when the stuff comes down in there.
Jan says
I’m glad you enjoyed the film. I’m a great Narniaphile too, and haven’t been to see the film yet as I’m afraid the Narnia on the screen will be too different from the one in my head.
merry says
Jan – it is EXACTLY the narnia you have in your head, i promise 🙂
dawniy says
oooh isn’t the film just super Merry? we loved every minute and Naomi was transfixed. Pleased you enjoyed it too , i must say I cried when I saw Aslan, he was so how I had expected him…..It was deffinately the Narnia in my head Jan 🙂
Kris says
We need to read the books before we see the film, I think – I want my kids to have their own Narnia in their heads first! That then raises the problem of do we abandon the Little House series after Big Woods, or finish the series first?
Oh – and would you mind sharing that calorie counted thingy in a side page? I’m looking for inspiration…
merry says
Well, i did come out with an overwhelming urge to buy myself a sleigh and reindeer….
I’ll post my page here, don’t worry. I just need to list it first!
Debbie says
You’re gonna Ebay stuff?? Gimme your page!! I’m hooked on ebay at the mo’
Plus, falling over and no one helps – they probably thought you would be dead embarrassed so pretended not to notice LOL
Was going to take Boss to see Narnia then Hannah frightened me by telling me Disney have started to put subliminal advertising back their films. Hmmm….
Alison says
Subliminal advertising?????
Went with P to see TLTWTW today (C took the others to see HP4) and enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Can’t not love Tilda Swinton, can I? 😉 Thought the children were really really good, far far better than Daniel Radcliffe and the oh-so-bloody-annoying Emma Watson. Thought the fox was a bit crap, but was pretty impressed by the other animals 🙂 And was it just me who thought the bit with all the baddies surrounding Aslan on the stone table was ever so Garden of Earthly Delights? All those birdpeople etc?
merry says
Yes, i think that was my over-riding impression of the children; chosen for talent more than look perhaps? I guess the HP thing had a fairly limited range given how well described they are.
Garden of Earthly delights? Is this another book you’ll give me to read and i’ll snivel? 😉
Alison says
Well, yes, when you hear about the way they cast the HP films, it wasn’t based on acting ability was it!
Garden of Earthly Delights is a Hieronymus Bosch painting, Google images may help 😉 The Last Judgment is another of his which was reminiscent too.