I went to bed with a bad headache last night. Early this morning i was dreaming that we were being evicted, that i’d found out via the builders currently footering about outside our house. I sleep yelled a lot at them. Then i had one of those sleep-awake dreams where i dreamt i made myself get out of bed to go down and screech at Max for something i already knew was pissy before i even started. I even knew i was being unreasonable in my dream.
How funny to have PMT (MT?) that starts before you even wake up 😆
Oh well, at least it gave me enough self-awareness not to screech at the children for everything, so i’ve been very well behaved.
I completely failed to understand the pyramid tree instructions in the Usborne Christmas Art book – if anyones got it, please have a go and reassure me – i’m sure it was very badly explained! We’ve made frilly paper streamers, been to Tesco, bought Daddy a Christmas present, baked endless gingerbread shapes, done yet more parcels (will they never stop?) and generally managed to have a fairly respectable day.
Ended with another story from the Usborne Book of Christmas Stories, one by Alison Uttley. I’ve never read ANYTHING by her, i must remedy that. WEe’ve also managed to have lots of cuddles and snuggles, arranged for Amelie’s little nursery mate to come and visit while i talk HE to her mum 😆 and met up with my first ever friend in Peterborough.
Feel like the past is catching up with me a bit at the moment; T’s mum was my second friend here, Cathy was my first next door neighbour and helped me out through those first tricky months of motherbhood. I didn’t make the most of her really but when we met today we quite literally fell into one anothers arms. It was so great to see her again.
Right – final assembly of the cards now – i’m nearly there!
Max has supplied food, sympathy and alcohol… i’m erm.. very pleasantly Merry… to coin a phrase 😉
Jax says
I *think* that some of our cards got posted today. Including some without addresses that had been put to one side to be given by hand. Sigh.
chris F says
Nic says
Good phrase 😉
Erin says
If you want a fun Christmas craft for kids that is easy to do just get brown paper and white/tan paper. Trace the kids foot on the brown paper and the hands on white/tan paper. Then turn it into a reindeer and if you want add a red pom pom for the nose. Its a really adorable project and can also be a angel if you use differant colored paper and deocrate differantly. And in the spring make butterflies by using brown paper and a brightly colored paper for the hands.
merry says
Nic, it as… “Especially for yooooou….”
merry says
was not as… oops!
Amanda says
Thanks Merry got the parcel today, very excited tribe here and mummy (i love hama beads) I need more birthing vibes please, now officialy overdue! Well I should of guessed as everyone told me I would be early… Oh glittery home made card heading your way (sorry!!!!).
Nic says
I see you’ve not forgotten your role at Kylie camp then 😉
Deb W says
LOL at Jax.
My grandmother once addressed all her cards, then wrote the return address on the backs of the envelopes, then posted the lot – forgetting that there was one card in the middle of the pile with only “Elsie and Lily” written on the envelope. A few days later, it came back. The postman had written on it, in great big letters: “Where do they live?” LOL
Jax says
Turned out I was worrying unnecessarily, my uber organised five year old had put the card I was worrying about to one side and handed it to the intended recipient in person yesterday morning.
Maybe it’s time to abdicate…