Amelie and Maddy have both now got really nasty eczema outbreaks, with Amelie topping it off with a good round in wheezing too. Her asthma is definitely getting worse 🙁
We’ve just been to the doctors and, as i suspected, Maddy’s is infected, with two nasty pus filled spots on one arm. So she got cream for that and when we got home i put it on and unthinkingly said “there that will kill the bugs in your arm and your eczema will get better.”
Then i carried on cooking.
Then i looked round to find her in a heap on the floor, peering at her arm and crying. “I can’t see the bugs moving,” she wept, “I think they must have gone in my body.”
Argh indeed. Its so so easily done though so don’t beat yourself up about it, you can’t remember your “Maddy filter” all the time or you’d never get to say anything! Good luck in sorting her out ((hugs))
Oops. Poor you and poor Maddy.
I have to stop mid-sentence in case I say anything stupid to Emma too! I told her to lift her feet off the floor while I was hoovering or the hoover would suck your legs up and she’s never been near the hoover since! ((((Maddy)))) xx
Hugs to you both, its really difficult I know with Mike and Jake I have to be careful what I say but I often say the wrong thing.