… and i think that’s the lot. And i got about £200 worth of last minute orders, so not quite what i’d have liked but not bad either. I’m pleased. A much better Xmas than last year anyway.
By tomorrow morning i’ll have sent everything, including belated and abominably late parcels to friends, family and the like which have all played a woeful second fiddle to a manic week and a half. I’m absolutely shattered. If it had been any busier, i couldn’t have done it. I barely did do it. I had just about enough stock, thankfully, and i’m not left holding anything too woeful that i over-ordered either. So all in all i had my business head screwed on and pulled it off ;). Its a good feeling. Now i just need to do the tax return. And sleep. And speak to the children.
Oh bugger, and post the cards. Write them in fact. ARGH.
Today has been kind of cool though. Me and the girls drew up a big list of housework to do and put it on the list, then scurried around doing stuff and ticking it off. fran helped loads. Then Js came and babysat them while i did more stuff, thereby freeing up the rest for the week for fun. They stuck and pasted and glittered, i sorted washing and cleaned kitchens.
And now…to bed… sleeeeeep……
We’ve still got to finish making cards. But I am off tomorrow 🙂
well done you toy retailer you 🙂
Great! we used loads of beads today and have too many colours missing!
They are on their way! 😉
argh housework! woefully behind today – in fact I ticked nothing on my list. trying to decided whether I have enough energy to make a curry, and tidy the home ed room [rofl]