So far i’ve managed to sort and put on the washing, with Fran’s help.
Bath everyone.
Pack the girls’ stuff.
Clean and tidy the lounge.
Clean and tidy my bedroom.
Get the girls to clean and tidy their room.
Put the washing away (last weeks!)
Get my BM daily paperwork done.
Update ReadMerrily (well, i did that last night as i was insomniacing.)
Newsletter seems to have worked, i’ve had 3 orders from past customers today already, which is a good start.
Girls all seem happy and fulfilled today, everyone is suddenly sleeping much better and that helps so much. Josie went through again. She’s got seven teeth now; all the first 8 except the bottom left. I think that, being able to sleep on her tummy in a bigger cot, being in her own room so not being disturbed by us and probably being warmer has really helped. As presumably has the extra energy she burns off walking about. She was working on jumping yesterday. And she has a new word, a very important one for a youngest in a family of 6 to know… “MINE!!!!”
Now i just need to do a craft for the MP Xmas party if i can rustle one up, get some snacks and head off for it. Oh, and tidy the dining room, which Amelie has just knocked Cheerios all over. And pack more parcels. And Christmas shop. Oh, something else, i’m sure. Generally though, i’m nearly on top of it! See you next week.
Phew…and I thought I was busy!
Sounds like a productive yet happy day.:-)
Not like my day – I had one of those where nothing you plan quite works out. Don’t think I can be bothered to blog it though, I’ve had enough of it already.
i didn’t get any news letters?? and I’ve added to the hama gallery today
Ah, I just love it when the word ‘mine’ creeps into their language.
The cheerios thing rings bells here too, but it was me droping a massive packet of pasta twists all over the floor – I never knew dogs liked dry pasta ’til yesterday 😆