A truly great week, delicious in itself for not having had to do any organising (hahahahahaha at the idea of being organised about or actually in charge of anything!)
Best bits for me were
*late night better getting to know of people i know better by blog
*the carol service 😉
*the first of those holidays that didn’t actually feel like monumentally hard work thanks to suddenly having 3 much bigger children.
*having two drives across Dartmoor (my first ever time driving there) and not crunching the car OR getting lost.
*seeing Carolyn, “Karen & co” and “SIL & nieces” as well as all my other friends, demonstating ably that i do have a life down there i could move to.
*the Nativity – entertained myself by being delighted with my non stage obsessed children who were quite happy to be angels and a star. (Are they my daughters?)
*Seeing Fran finally find someone she feels really comfortable with (waves to 3 girls and one in particular) and loving how coyly she talks about Ernest.
*Buttercup and Amelie – including the tiff and the overheard conversation of them “workshopping forgiveness” 😉
*Barely seeing Maddy and Amelie all week – they make me so proud!
*Josie performing “Do you want to go to bed?” “NO!!!!!”
*BB walking to keep up with the Josie.
*Cooking macaroni cheese for 25, more than ably assisted by james who was an uncomplaining and accomplished workforce.
*3 of my children appearing, Portico style, at 3am – strange thing to enjoy, but amused me enormously.
*SB launching herself at me on arrival. Other peoples children don’t normally go much on me so it was rather lovely.
*One particular late night revelation which reduced me to a heap on the floor.
*Being among people who so generously help each other out, particularly Ady who cleared up the plates of my children more times than i probably even noticed. And made a lot of cups of tea.
*Watching Fran learn to card fresh fleece, spin it, wind it and then crochet it.
*Nic standing firmly by her promise to make sure i never only had 2 glasses of alcohol. (But i didn’t get a star chart.)
*Not getting lost on the way home.
*Watching my children launch themselves into Max’s arms on their return.
And to be honest, i could think of loads more. There are just so many nice people and nice children in that group and i enjoyed it thoroughly. It completely restored me, for which i am truly grateful.
Thanks Sarah and everyone else 🙂
EDIT: Josie “the incredible non-sleeping baby” slept nearly 6 hours on the way home, went to bed at 10pm and had to be woken and persuaded to feed at 12pm today! I don’t think she got enough sleep last week 🙄
Jax says
still didn’t seem to spend much time with you. Enjoyed what I did though. And notice that Maddy seems to crop up next to Big in an awful lot of the photos I’ve looked at so far.
Jax says
oh, and how many parcels do you have to do to catch up?
merry says
Don’t ask.
Or if you want to know, just go and look. I can’t bear to think about it!
Jules says
Welcome home, I’m glad you had a fab time 🙂
Kirsty says
was lovely to see you all again, although I notice you did stick up pics of me on Flickr and I didn’t stick that one up of you that James took!!! 😉
btw, you didn’t by any chance give my books to anyone of my local lot did you? Usborne one was supposed to be a Xmas pressy and I completely forgot about it.
merry says
Yes – the heavy ones to Barbara and i’ll post the JP ones which i forgot to hand to her despite them being in my hand when i said goodbye to her!
And – ooops – i’ll remove it 😉