Last night i went up to read with Max at bedtime, given he’s become a bit of a novel widower this month (nearly 33000 now, overtook Kris and Sarah last night, not bad given they were 15000+ words ahead of me at one point 😉 ) Josie woke up (must move her into her own room) so i fed her, then left her tucked in by him as they were both ready to sleep and i wanted to novel some more.
When i went to bed, not particularly late either, i went to sleep on the spare mattress in the girl room, thinking i’d swap when everyone started moving about in the middle of the night. So it was complete bliss this morning, to wake up still there, with all three big girls still asleep in their own beds (miracle) and Josie still fast asleep with Max! I vagulely remember offering Amelie a cuddle in the night but she went back to her own bed on the basis i was squeezzing her too hard. I don’t honestly think everyone has woken up where they started the night in this house in probably the last 5 years. Bargain bedtime 🙂
Now; do have to work on Fran a little – she came down to watch Cbeebies the other morning got scared by the sound of an unexplained beeping. (It was the phone, left off charge and running down.)
Later that morning she said “I heard a beeping and was worried it was the firealarm so i went back to bed and fell asleep.”
A quite brilliant piece of intelligence, i’m sure you’ll agree. Perhaps better work on some basic safety training then 🙄
(Oh – and the LEA have just rung up. They know about Maddy too. Oh well, i suppose they were bound to.)
Jax says
Yes, well we only covered what to do about the smoke alarm when it went off while they were awake the other night – something that we ought to have talked about ages ago, but somehow never cropped up in conversation.
Katy says
ROFL! We did candle making at a home ed group ages ago and by the end of 3 hours she was very familiar with the concept of legging it outside at the sound of the beep…. however, when it’s the smoke alarm I’m more likely to get a response of rolled eyes and handing me the brush to re-set the thing!
Glad you got a good night sleep!
Simon says
What did the LEA say?
site admin says
Wanted to come and see the children at home but i declined the opportunity. Said i would send in a report and was quite happy to meet him on a one off basis at a neutral location where the children could play and not talk to him, or at home without them being here.
I don’t think he was very pleased, but i pointed out that that was more than he was entitled to or i had offered before! Mentioned i relished the opportunity of boring him to tears with my excitement about my childrens education. 😉