Research into what people do in coffee shops concludes… people go in, order a cup of coffee, drink it and leave. Well worth that £140,000 then 🙄
Research into what people do in coffee shops concludes… people go in, order a cup of coffee, drink it and leave. Well worth that £140,000 then 🙄
Jax says
I want some of this research funding…
merry says
I’m fairly sure you could get some if you could only think of something utterly meaningless to research. How about “What motivates a person with 4 children, a business and a tax return outstanding to join 3 other absurdly over busy people to try and write a novel in a month?”
Lin says
Mmn, hard to believe that they actually got funding for this C**P, I wonder if they complained when their request to go to Italy was denied!
Chris (the portico) says
Well not *all* research has to be ‘useful’ in an applied way. What’s ‘useful’ about any historical research or archaeology for example?
merry says
Mmm… i don’t really think they compare though do they? I mean, i’m reasonably sure i could have written their concluding paragraph without spending £140,000, whereas i couldn’t tell you how the Aztecs lived without going and looking for some evidence.
Aztecs – point is moot, coffee research, definitely pointless.
Chris (the portico) says
Well if gaining knowledge based on scientific research is pointless then yes it was pointless.