Probably signing off for a day or two now.
Ammi and Josie were up half the night so a slow and disorganised start to the day *sigh*
Have just spent the morning with Tammy and the “naturally exuberant” Sam 😉 Do love that boy. Girls all thoroughly enjoyed the various science experiements Tammy had laid on; fab sugar dissolving one, loved that and a great one for showing the effect of bubbles in carbonated drinks. Have photos so will upload at some point. Thanks Tammy – i’ve now ticked science for the last 2 years 🙂
We’ve been to Staples and bought the girls a file each and some cheapo plastic pouches to keep drawings and SOTW stuff in. Fran has added her maths sheets and Maddy has filled hers already with drawings i had squirrelled away. Not quite the point, but hey 🙄 Hoping it will be good for them to have a sense of keeping their stuff themselves and choosing what they want to preserve.
Now we are awaiting the patter of little Raine Drops so i suspect much socialising will go on for the next few days. Ta-ra-a-bit!
(25635 words – not bad, not bad, especially given Josie stopped me in my tracks last night and then refused to be left again.)
tammy says
we had a blast things morning. thank you guys for coming over. thank you for those kind words about sam, if only he had a volume control button! Maybe I will put one on his xmas list.
HelenJ says
rofl! if you find one tammy, let us know where from. I did wonder whether just deactivating my ears might not be the answer in our house!