Must blog, if only because it has been so pleasantly mundane! I do feel like we are in a particularly enjoyable phase of family life right now, even boring stuff (in comparion to our busy summer) is just feeling very ‘right’.
So, high points were:
*Sitting at the table with Fran yesterday morning, while i NaNo’ed and she did some Maths, with Josie playing at our feet, while the other two did lego harmoniously
*Getting the badges sewn on – finally, to tremendous acclaim from Fran. (Not, how ungrateful is she at times? :roll:) But at least i did it.
*Hitting 17000 words (nearly) on NaNo, despite having been at 6000 on Thursday.
*Josie learning to say “ow” with comic effect.
*All 6 of us managing to get into our bed this morning.
*Getting my bead room tidied.
*All 4 girls helping me put the weeks washing away.
*Having “champ” for tea, 2 sit down lunches and a roast tonight. Love eating together at weekend, just isn’t do-able in the week.
*Taking the big two swimming tonight, helping Fran get the hang of doggy paddle and seeing her swim a good 3 metres. More than that, enjoying being out with 2 big children who don’t need drying and redressing anymore. Could get used to that. Also finding a pool i like.
Just got so much else i need to do though. How to fit it all in? And ARGH – only 2 days to half way point and still 8000 words to write. Who’s idea was this?
Jax says
um….I haven’t done any words this weekend… 🙁
although I am working from home one day this week, so that’s three hours clawed back that can be utilised 😉
merry says
You have got perfectly good excuses written all over thep lace to let you off 😉
chris F says
Impressed witht he word count 🙂 Glad i wasn’t daft enough to sighn up for it though…….
Amanda says
Got to ask what is ‘champ’?
merry says
Champ – mashed potato, spring onions and bacon all mised up, with butter in the midddle in a pool. You have to eat the “castle” without letting the butter escape 🙂
BTW Amanda, not forgotten your parcel, just not caught up!
HelenJ says
sounds great
maybe see you tomorrow
Carol says
Yum! Havent had Champ in years’was going to ask if you made it the same as us but I see from the other comments that you do :o)
Jenny says
I love going swimming when you don’t have to stand dripping and cold while you sort out small bodies 🙂 Sounds like a great weekend.
Amanda says
Like the sound of Champ will try our lot with it – Don’t worry about the beads I know you are busy, no rush, I just had to know about ‘champ’!!
Amanda says
P.s I’m going through a decluttering phase, if you were interested I have a leapster that is’nt used, email me if you you are.
merry says
have done 😀
Alison says
I always wrapped the smalls up warmly, and got myself dressed first – far less embarrassing to have to deal with them escaping anywhere if I wasn’t half naked 😉 But yeah, being down to 3/4 being self-sufficient is great – we were out of the pool and ready to go in *10* minutes a few weeks ago, I couldn’t believe it!
merry says
can’t really believe what a no-brainer it has been. Have hatede swimming with them all because i hate just mucking about and being freezing. It’s great they are big enough to leave for a few minutes, even as non-swimmers, while i swim a couple of lengths (though it was easier as it was so quiet and i could see them) but hadn’t really got it through my head that would happen quicker if i got them swimming!
Deb W says
Forget towels, take a towelling dressing-gown for each kid – then they can move about without losing the towel while you get dressed, and by the time you’re dressed, they’re dry.
I’m with Chris F on NaNo.
We make our champ differently…
Louise says
Merry, I try and order stuff on the bead site but it keeps returning me to the log in page. Any ideas why?
Louise Sutton
Louise says
It seems to work if I do it through IE rather than AOL, but at least I can place an order now! Phew!
merry says
Louise, some forms of AOL won’t support its security thing – need to let people know that actually. ARGH!
Glad you got through though, thanks :
I thoguht you were smugly pleased with your word count Deb. Did i read your comment wrong?
Deb W says
Yes, I’m with Chris in that I’m glad I didn’t sign up 😉