Am stuck here sewing on Brownie Badges. Maybe this is just me but ARGH! The sash is narrow, the badges are huge; the sash needs to be worn across the body on an angle, the bages are squares with the design making them diamonds.
So – if you line them up against the edge of the sash, the design is wonky, if you line them up to each other, they have to be staggered across the sash in untidy fashion.
Unless i’ve missed something obvious. 😯
Really, what was wrong with the 10p sized round ones?????
Sarah says
So the pin on Keepers badges might be better form that point of view then!? I have enough trouble sewing swimming badges onto their fleece blankets!
merry says
Yes….. but… still not convinced. Though, you know, if your girls show themselves to be perfectl adies with a full chest of dinner winner medals, i might reconsider 🙂
Katy says
The Brownie ones were upside down triangles when I was a member so no matter what you did thy never looked tidy on your (**** horrible) brown dress sleeve.
Deb W says
Beaver/Cub/Scout uniform is worse – no sash, just a sweater/shirt, so you have to fiddle with the sleeves. I suppose it’s better than the tantrum-over-hair thing though…maybe.