Home life is good at the moment. Oddly, the big two kids are really aware that i’m teetering on a bit of an emotional brink and are being lovely. I’m getting more cuddles, more affection and possibly more toleration for my flights of fancy than ever. There is something to be said for having bigger children. I appreciate Fran and Maddy so much these days.
The first thing Maddy did this morning was tidy their room to perfection, for absolutely no reason other than to make me happy. I was so proud of her, she worked so hard. As a reward i gave her 25p in 5p’s and a maths lesson 🙂 We spent ages looking at how the 5 times table worked, drawing pictures, swapping up money, paying each other for various things. it was fun 🙂
After that came the thing below. After that came story writing, more painting from everyone and a huge amount of playing with dollies. What a blissful childhood to have so much time to play, being taught the things you’ll need by someone who’ll make it their life’s work to make sure it’s sympathetic, appropriate and interesting. And then help you learn about anything else at all you might want to know about. I’d have given anything for that childhood. I so hope they look back on it happily.
The latest in the Amelie/nursery saga was i told her bluntly today that either she went or she didn’t – and if she did, she went every session she is supposed to until after Xmas. She decided she wanted to go 🙄 She had a ball, came out buzzing and clutching a party invitation.
While she was out, we moved house and left no forwarding address. 😆
No, no, while she was out we did maths all together, Maddy painted even more, made mosaic pictures and i read more Roman myths to them. Maddy groomed her toy dogs for nits 🙄 The myths were about Aeneas and the fall of Troy. I’m now completely confused as i thoguht Troy was a Greek Myth thing, but clearly Aeneas is about to found Rome, which i suppose explains a few things.
Fran has learned to read in her head and has been consuming slightly more difficult books at quite a rate. They all went dancing and we’ve finished off with a group cuddle and Shrek.
As has been said somewhere else recently, though i can’t for the life of me think where, there frankly is nothing more important than family. Everything else can suck and it really doesn’t matter. Thank heavens for my girls and Max.
No idea 😉
could maddy teach sam the tidying the room trick-he hasn’t quite grasped that one yet!
Somehow i seriously doubt it will ever be repeated 😉
hmm, wish I could say the same. thank heavens for my children yeah, but dh? Hmm, I’ll pass on that one.
And, whilst I’m here, “tidy their room to perfection”. How the heck did you train her to do that???!!!!
I’m stunned into silence now….
Champagne with a strawberry in it is proving rather fucking good tonight.
Sounds like a wonderful HE day Merry. 🙂 xx
*chuckle* at moving house.
Aren’t kids odd, so pleased Amelie had a good day, as did the rest of you :0)