It’s increasingly pointless to do this, but it never fails to amaze me how little effort can go into achieving the same goals that a year of work in school should achieve… so here goes, maths goals for Yr 3. (ie 9 months ahead of where Fran is now).
By the end of year 3, your child should be able to:
* read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and know what each digit represents YES
* count on or back in 10s or 100s from any two- or three-digit number YES
* recognise unit fractions such as a half or third and use them to find fractions of shapes and numbers YES
* know how to add and subtract all numbers up to 20 YES
* use mental arithmetic to add or subtract a multiple of 10 (up to 100) from another two-digit number YES
* know his two, five and 10 times tables YES
* understand division and that it is the opposite to multiplication Not looked at it yet but knows how to “do” division in real life.
* understand units of time; seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years Well DUH. YES
* understand how money is written £s and p (e.g £3.45 = 3 pounds and 45 pence) YES
* choose and use appropriate operations (including multiplication and division) to solve word problems, explaining methods and reasoning. YES, with some support when on paper.
* identify right angles YES
* identify lines of symmetry in simple shapes and recognise shapes with no lines of symmetry YES
* solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numbers in simple lists, tables and graphs. YES
Not desperately taxing then really, is it? Perhaps i won’t worry about sending her to school for now 😉
Jax says
Which site do you get those from?
merry says
Spark Island, parents guide bit. It’s not the entire NC, by any means, but its the distilled bullet points of it, as it were.
karen b says
Go Fran – Go Fran – Go Fran!! 🙂 xx
mrs darling says
Spent some time doing catch up on your blog. As usual I come away feeling totally inspired to do more with my own kids. You’re one great mom. My hats off to you!
Amanda says
Had no computer for a week, just caught up on blogs. Well done Fran.
Jenny says
Not sure Carys can do all of this yet – her “number bonds” to 20 are still a long way off but at least I can still blame school for that 🙂 Well done you and Fran.
Brogan (via SallyM) says
Yeah I seriously wouldn’t bother with school 😉 T’s maths has gone right downhill this term so far (hes been put in the bottom set for reluctant writers despite being well up in maths) and all the things I thought we had cracked over the summer have gone completely. I am desperately trying to find the way that makes sense for him to understand the multiplication is opposite to division because they have “done that” now, he still doesn’t understand and nothing I can do, even sitting there with bricks showing him how it works, is helping him get over the “can’t do” block ~rolls eyes at school~ Still he promises me that he doesn’t want to go to “high school” and will stay at home with me then. We might get round to recovering this then ;-D