The girls are despatched (is there a difference between dispatched and despatched, does anyone know?) to my parents. Ammi had a bit of a wobble about being left but not much. Evidently this is a global problem, not just nursery. I acquired Primark nighties (6 nighties and 12 pairs of socks for £13!!!!) so Max will be pleased with my wifeliness. I’ve done as bid 😉
Josie achieved her first drop from top of stairs to bottom today – with somersault, double flip and pike and some extra difficulty points awarded for the full length carpet burns. Whoops. Obviously, she hasn’t learnt from her mistake though. She’s said “Dad-deee” very clearly several times today while asking for Max.
We plan to totally clean and sort the house and send much to tip/dump/ebay too – feel quite energised by the idea. So much for romance.
While in the car, Fran and i had a long talk, since she was in the front to accommodate the crib which was going back to my mum. We covered alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse, poisons, hormones and bodies changing, adults who do cruel things to children and when its okay to keep a secret and when the last thing you should do is keep it secret. Felt like a very grown up conversation. Had a mildly unnerving moment when she told me something that happened at HESFES in the playground when i wasn’t with her, but i *think* it was okay – she doesn’t seem scarred by it anyway. Odd she hadn’t told me, but i’m fairly sure that its because it didn’t make her worried. Slightly shocked by her being given attention by 13 year old boys though, having watched her pull an 11 year old without even trying the other week. (*SHRIEK*) Still, its no matter, she’s going to marry Ernest.
Right, i’ll go make a start. Wish me luck. Its a jungle in here.
Katy says
Good luck!
Hope Josie’s carpet burns heal up quickly!!!
HelenJ says
had a conversation on a similar vein with SB. in the bath i caught her trying to wedge a diving ring between BB’s buttocks – i know!! it would have worked too. so we chatted about bottoms being private, and that no-one should put things in them etc etc, and she should shout for a teacher/mummy and daddy and tell them. etc etc. luckilly she had no experiences to report
HelenJ says
oh, and poor josie!
merry says
HelenJ says
yeah, why i didn’t blog it!
tammy says
good luck!!!! if you need a few child free hours we are around all day sunday and would be happy to watch josie.
Barbara says
well don’t waste *all* the energy on tacking the house – save some to reward yourselves in the tidy palace that awaits…
And way to go Josie – nice to see you keeping Mummy on her toes.
Roslyn says
He might have just been chatting to her 🙂 which is why she wasn’t concerned. Pea is just reaching the boys are a different species stage (very amusing as two of her best friends are boys and they are thinking the same about her), it will be a whole different story in about 3 years LOL! I hope neither of mine have met their future partner yet!!! I want them to live the world 🙂
Good old Primark.
Josie is almost toddler if she’s been down the stairs. I believe it to be a rite of passage :-).
merry says
oh yeah, he was! Sorry, it didn’t come out very clearly. We were having this conversation about how sometimes people might ask you to do something that you weren’t sure about and that while you didn’t have to say no, if it makes you uncomfortable you can back away or go and ask.
The she looks thoughtful and said “oh right, a bit like when this boy at HESFES who was 13…” stopped, looked worried for a bit and then said “i think he just wanted me to make a funny noise, he laughed when i made it.” Of course, when she said the first bit, my heart leapt into my mouh – now i type it now, i wonder if he was laughing at her speech and she didn’t realise. Or maybe something different entirely.