Or more accurately, last night. She slept through. Please may she do it again?
Best Josie moment of the day was suddenly realising she had gone missing and discovering her sat beside the crate of plums with a gob full of fruit and one in each hand.
She has also taken a full bottle of milk this evening, which pleased me enormously and has spent the day practising balancing without holding on. She and Maddy also have this fantastic flapping game they play, the roars of laughter from them both are hilarious. Milkwise, i know there are plenty of pure breastfeeders but i’m not one of them. She’s moved on to full family food now, eats with the girls at every meal – i think i plan to give an evening and night bottle of formula but keep feeding her during the day or when its more convenient and definitely to get her to sleep. That way i forsee me getting beyond a year if that is what she wants.
Firstly today Fran did some ExTC and read a book, Maddy resisted all attempts to do anything with her. She is being a bit frustrating at the moment, very oppositional indeed. She and Ammi are not getting on, which probably makes it harder but she is like a blank wall, she wants to do things till you actually offer to do it now, then nothing. Grrrr. We had a conversation about going to school yesterday, in the car, where she told me she wants to go to school cos she likes the word. The she said she’d like to do school and HE half and half and when i said that wasn’t especially easy, she said she’d prefer HE. I asked her if she’d like any other activities particularly, and she said no. Hm. Fine.
Coupled with Amelie suddenly telling me she doesn’t want to go to nursery, is making me feel a bit at sea. I feel a bit of a phony telling Ammi she’ll like it as actually, i don’t want her to go. Grumble. But i do try hard not to impress my feelings about school, or their going to school on them. Its very difficult.
Anyway – we all got ourselves together and took a walk to Sainsburys, which was lovely and which i really enjoyed. Its a mile or so, altogether and all of them were fine with it, not bad as Ammi and Maddy can really moan about walking. Mooched around getting ingredients and they were all very charming. By the time we got back Josie was asleep, so we all had a great time making Rocky Roads (but with cherries not brazil nuts) and raspberry and white chocolate cookies. Very yummy indeed.
Everyone helped and they did very well indeed. Just a completely as i wish every day was really. Must make more effort.
Very Raymond biscuit mixture!
Settled down after lunch and got out our Street Through Time book. We all made it through the Stone, Iron and Bronze age, then the little ones played at our feet while Fran and i carried on. Really, she makes me so proud – she could place so much of her knowledge into the right time period; spotted the Civil War, guessed that it was the cenury of Pocohontas, guessed when Stonehenge and Grimspound were, remarked intelligently on the regression after the Romans left. She got a huge kick out of being able to read it too and has gone to bed clutching the book.
Bit more tidying up went on and we ended the day by sitting together making clay stuff. Maddy did Stonehenge, Fran made an Iron Age hut, i made Grimspound. And i got another lesson, my kids have more fun when i do those things with them. I had fun too.
Fran’s hut.
My hut – it inspired Fran 🙂
Made me laugh.
We’ve ended the day with Narnia, after eating home grown potatoes for tea, Edmund is in trouble, Fran is in heaven, i’m wondering even more if i might get some mileage out of the Narnia ideas book. Must hold off, don’t need it.
Perfect day really.