Monday: Scotland Lapbooks, horrid, post-dentist pain permitting.
Tuesday: Aim to do one Scottish/Celtic/Pict type craft
Wednesday: Go play with Beans.
Thursday: Begin “Blue Planet” Lapbook and associated books/activities.
Friday: Finish up planet stuff preferably with at least one craft type thing to go with it.
Scotland: have printed lots of photos and planned out a lapbook to start tomorrow. Think i’ll aim to do a highly planned/supervised one with them and see if it catches their attention as an idea. Would be good to read lots more of our books/literature with them this week and also get them to help me look through and file the various leaflets, maybe plan out things we’d like to see next year.
“Blue Planet”: – needs planning, did i already do that? Possibly…
Goal for the next two weeks – tie up some loose ends, do some highly visual stuff given that the LEA are likely to come calling the minute i get back from Exeter.
Goals for Fran – get through remaining Manic Max books, encourage her to keep at the drawing/colouring stuff, persist with Timeline and help her place some of the Scottish stuff into it.
Goals for Maddy – encourage the reading/writing thing using her little paper chest and the word cards. Try and inspire her with lapbooking as i think it might suit her very much. Manage to actually facilitate the constant requests for sums.
Goals for Amelie – give her plenty of computer time, get Js doing some creative stuff with her (Dora lapbook perhaps?) Spend more time doing letters and simple words with her.
Goals for Josie – get her to doctors for chesty cough and get her eating something a little more solid before she drinks me completely dry!